Really, I have a lot to say in this post. Problem is, whenever I sit down to write, the thoughts just fly out of my head and what comes out is a bunch of drivel. A lot of new people have visited and commented on this blog and I would like to thank them for their interest and kind words. I hope you are all getting a little enjoyment out of this blog, cause that's what I'm here for :) It is really fun to look into other peoples lives and thoughts, and to see how they react to the everyday grind. So many out there show so much talent in their writing. There is no need to visit the library anymore. For the most part, these are real people sharing their real feelings. I have been told that my posts are very candid. Yes, it is a way to express the true me- the me that I sometimes hold back in other venues. It is so much easier to pour out my heart in this format, and anonymously. However, I am not exactly anonymous anymore. I feel as if I belong to a family of bloggers, others like me from all places in the world, from all cultures and religious beliefs, and we are pretty much all the same in spirit. How wonderfully refreshing!
This week was a busy one and one full of emotions that ran the gamut from elation to terror to devestation. Oh I am being a little dramatic there, but remember I want to be an actor :)
Started out busy busy busy at work. So many deals and problems that I felt I was going under. Then Thursday, I got my head back above water and got caught up- just in time for month end. Today, the computers were down until after noon. I did what I could and didn't have any real problems, and then Karen and I decided to go out for lunch, since we really couldn't work anyway. When we got back the computers were up and we could get started working. I paged Jon to see if he had some paperwork I needed to title a car, and Pete called me back and screamed at me to stop calling Jon, he's busy! I said " oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know..." and he yelled, well next time get up and look!! Then he SLAMMED the phone down, hanging up on me. Thats the part where I was devestated. I am a good employee. I work hard and do the best job I can, don't cause trouble and get along well with everyone. I DO NOT deserve to be spoken to like that. But I was so shocked and hurt that I couldn't speak cause I was afraid I would cry, I was that mad. So I sat there trembling in anger, blinking back tears and trying not to think about it. But then Stephanie paged Jon and I had to tell her to watch out for the wrath of Pete. Well, then I got upset all over again and had to calm myself down. I mean, it may not have been such a big deal to some people, but it was to me. Later I told Kathy what had happened and told her that I was thisclose to walking out because I am not accustomed to being treated in that manner and did not deserve to be disrespected like that. She asked if I wanted her to talk to Pete and I told her not to, that I was ok. But later Pete was SO friendly and nice to me, nicer than he has ever been. So I wonder if she said something, or if he just realized how badly he had behaved and was trying to make up for it. But, I am all caught up and they are closed Sunday and Monday for the holiday, so I shouldn't have too much to do before month end.
Also had to talk to the evil ones from Merchants Bank yesterday. I needed to find out lienholder information and not only did K.B. not know what she was doing, but she was a total witch to me as well. Then I said " you don't know who I am do you?" and she said not really and when I told her we used to work together, boy, did she change her tune! I told the girls at work what had happened to me at the bank, and they all had lots of nice things to say in my support. It was the first time I have been able to discuss it with anyone and it felt good to share. There are some strong personalities there at work, but when all the conditions are right, we get along just fine. If I were to leave, I would really miss Karen. And Sally invited us to a pig roast!! I think we would enjoy that.
Ok, terror. We went out to pull the cutter out of the field, and since Bella was up here at the house, Chip used the blue tractor. We were fine, him driving and me guiding the cutter ( its like 15 feet long) and then he came to the slope going into the creek and the tractor started to tip. You know how they say that it seems like something goes on for hours when it is only seconds, really? Well we did that. The rear wheel went like three feet in the air and it started to go over and I just thought "put it DOWN" to Chip, so he would drop the cutter and rebalance. He did really well and didn't panic ( though I thought for sure we would both pee our pants) and he lowered the cutter and the tractor put itself back on the ground. We quit for the night then and there thank God.
Elation: Today as I said, we went for lunch. The parking lot was crowded and very narrow and people started to park behind me so I only had a little room to get backed out. A guy in a truck pulled in and waved me on so I backed out and had to really manuever back and forth to keep from hitting the car behind me and the ones next to me. Quite a feat in an automatic, but near impossible in a stick! AND I DID IT!! Karen was happy for me and I was really proud because I didn't stall or anything. Ok, so you guys who have experience may think that's hardly worth a mention, but for me it was quite something.
And..... Got Magnificent Seven season 2, Afro Samauri, and Two Soldiers this week!! Time for a major Ron-A-Thon. Also am waiting on a French magazine with some pics of Ron, and a packet of clippings I got off EBAY. And Pat just mailed me and told me that Ron will be doing a movie called Vacuuming the Cat in between I Sell the Dead and HB2. Zowie, so much fun!
I was thinking about starting writing again. Maybe I could post short chapters to this blog and people could comment. Oh, I don't know.
Since it is a long weekend, I hope to get a lot of yardwork done. We got some seeds this week and I would like to get them planted. Brandy's garden is looking good, with the new pink flowers I planted. Only the best for you, my friend. So maybe I can work more on the gardens. And still have to finish unloading the turd hearse. And need to give the Mustang a bath. I need to give her a name. Any suggestions?

Here she is :)
It is 9:00 p.m. and just starting to get dark. The crickets are chirping and you can feel the heat dissipating and the cool dew coming. I think I will go out and look at the stars. It is that beautiful time of the evening when it is cooling down and just barely light, but light enough to see to walk in the woods or the pastures. It is very soothing and calming. The honeysuckles and black locust trees are blooming and the air is full of sweet perfume. I am really looking forward to this weekend and hope that I can get all my chores done and we can have pleanty of time for relaxing. Chip actually took the day off today, good for him. He needed that. He got Bella all cleaned up and her oil changed. Time to cut hay! Please pray that we get enough this year, as it is pretty dry right now and not growing as well as it could be.
Thanks again to all who are visiting this blog, and to those who comment. I appreciate your words. Finally got that picture to download Rajeev :)
Take care all
Love and Blessings