This certainly was a week! I have already told you about my little "meltdown", and the last couple of days have been relatively stress free. It is a little overcast and kind of muggy out. The house feels damp inside, but in a nice way- not exactly uncomfortable. I have the bed sheets in the washer, and my hands smell of laundry detergent, mmmmmm. The cows are right outside my window, grazing through for their evening meal and the calves are mooing to one another. It reminds me of when Brodie was here and he would call out to me when he was bored. There is a gentle breeze blowing the curtains out and the birds are singing. I can hear baby birds peeping in the tree next to the house. What a wonderful evening.
I am going to write down the things that happened this week that stressed me out, so I can realize that those factors will never all occur at the same time again. It was end of month and a very busy one. Ok that will most definitely happen again. But the bunch of work was not what caused me stress. It was not knowing how to do some of it, and not having anyone to ask, and me putting the pressure on myself to get it ALL done that day. Next time, I will know more, will have more confidence and experience and will be faster. I know the things that have to be done and the things that can wait till I get caught up. I know I can handle oodles of deals, because I did this week- and I did all of those deals completely, too, not just the one part of them that had to be done by month end. See, I have to be organized and it is easier for me to do one thing completely and go on to the next, than to do bits and pieces of each one and keep going back to finish.But I will have to recondition myself to the fact that I have no control of the amount of work that comes in and so cannot plan on it. Go with the flow, Cin.
Karen gave me some beautiful ivy vines today. She had clipped them from her main plant and nurtured them for me, and boy are they beautiful! I can't wait to get them planted. I need to find the perfect spot. I have a sedum plant started for her and will probably take that to her one day next week. The other day she talked me into going to lunch by telling me I had to take her to get some tomato plants at the nursery. It was such fun! I love going to those places and it was nice to have someone to go with. Its like the sister I always wanted :) Then we went to Frisch's and grabbed some burgers to take back to work with us.
I still long for a Golden puppy. I know when the time is right, we will find her. Strange how my life revolves around the animals. They never have an agenda, they never use you. All they want to do is love you. Well, they want you to feed them too.
Since my birthday is this Sunday, I have decided that I am going to start an exercise and diet regime. For real. Also, I am going to do new and exciting things, even if I am scared. I am going to take better care of myself and learn more.
Mom is getting me Magnificent Seven Season 2 for my birthday. I can't wait till it comes out. That is one of my favorite Ron Perlman shows. Plus there are some other dvds coming out soon. I feel like a film fest, but this weekend will be busy. The kids, Shawna and Shain are coming over tomorrow, and then tomorrow night is Sydneys recital.
When I blog, I feel free and alive. Sometimes the words just flow from my heart, and others it is hard to actually think of things to say. But it sure is fun! I got to have a nice long chat with Raka last Sunday, and Chip even got on and bantered with her. I miss us not e mailing each other regularly, but we are both so busy and we do keep up with each others blogs. Had I not started blogging, I never would have found her. Another treasure that I have found when I wasn't looking.
Well, I am getting really tired, and need to put the sheets in the dryer so I can get the bed made. One of the greatest things in life is to slide into a freshly laundered bed and read a few pages of a good book before drifting off to sleep.
May all your dreams be good
hey happy birthday in advace....why am i not invited to your party!:(...just kidding lol:D
look out for my blogspace tomorrow pretty lady!:D
hey its just after 12 i ll just wish you a very happy birthday...have fun and remember me!:D love you loads....
Happy Birthday Cindy :D
Have a wonderful year ahead!!
peace & love
really candid post!!!
and belated happy bday!!:D
Thanks for the wishes!!
Love to all
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