New Baby
Oprah had a calf last night and she is a real cutie. We walked out early this morning and all the cows were in the back yard and the calves were all laying under a tree snoozing. It was beautiful, cool early morning air and the sun just rising above the horizon. Ahhh, what a life. I know that it is a lot of hard work, dirt and heartache some times, but the beauty of it all-the peacefulness and blessings that it provides- far outweigh the hardships. Chip got the turd hearse ( manure spreader) going again yesterday and spread like 8 loads. Many more to go. Those cows sure can produce the poop. If we could bag it and sell it we'd be rich fer sure! And last night I got more seeds planted, so the yard and gardens are going to look really pretty come summer ( I hope ) .
Still need to get some flowers for Brandy's garden, and some water hyacinths for the pond so the fish have some cover. Chip suggested that I ask Karen to go shopping with me since she likes gardening too. Maybe we can go some day at lunch and do just that. I like having someone to give me her opinion of what looks good.
Waiting for Raka to come online for our chat, then have to go to Mom's and give her her mothers day present. Then some more gardening and mowing and wash the Mustang, and maybe band those new bull calves ( sorry Bruno). Oh golly, the day is so pretty, and yesterday it was so nice too.
Have decided not to freak out over how many car deals I may have to do this week. Last week I had just got caught up by Friday. Remember, I don't like not being caught up on a daily basis, but am going to have to get used to it. It is out of my hands how many cars they sell. Just go with the flow, Cin. Besides, nobody else is stressing. And I promised myself that I would not stress either. One day at a time. Got to study for the Notary. Golly, golly, golly. But I did study and get my Masters in Microsoft... so I can do this too.
Ron will be filming I Sell The Dead, in New York in June. Heeee. Once again, Ron Perlman and Zombies, what's not to like.
I really enjoy having the day to do things that I want to do. I can just putter around and do a little here and a little there.
I read Rajeevs blog for the first time yesterday. He is really great! A very talented writer. He is so much more intellectual than I am. And his words are beautiful and thought provoking. I am so lucky to have become a part of this "Blog World" and to meet all these wonderful people. It is quite uplifting to know that there are good, caring souls out there all over the world. You get to meet so few of them in your day to day lives, but the internet is opening this whole new opportunity to us all, bringing us together. There is so much strife and pain in the world, but people all over are coming together through shared ideals and beliefs. Even though we all come from different cultures, we all share a common goal- to live our lives for the good and to learn and grow and share and love. Oh what wonderful things we can all learn from one another.
So this is dedicated to all of you out there. The friends that I have come to know, and those still waiting to be discovered. May you all have Peace and Joy!
aahhh,now we are thinking alike eh?similar posts!
have a great day ahead....reading your post made me long for spring yet again..and ive been doing ti quite a bit nowadays....summers too unbearable with the humidity its even more awful....
Hey thanx a ton for mentionin my name there!! **BLUSH**
But im not that great a writer yet as u think i am!!
btw u've got a mustang!!?!??!
OMG!! that is soo A.W.E.S.O.M.E
Damn! I luv mustang, i hope i ca nown one someday! *SIGH*
peace & love
wat a nice post!!!!!
i love the way u explain blog-friends and the concept of blogging...hope to read a lot more of u!!!
@ Raka
Of course we think alike, spooky isn't it?? Sould mates perhaps? :)
yup, you are a fantastic writer, hope you keep it up. Still have to link to your blog :) Yeah, the mustang is pretty cool. Will have to post a pic of it sometime. Hope you get one someday too :)
@Priyanka Sarkar
Thank you!! I am honored that you enjoyed the post. Your kind words have made my day :) Hope you continue to visit and enjoy!
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