Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Job Hunting

Never thought it would be so hard to find a job! Had a phone interview yesterday and they want me to go in tomorrow for a formal interview and testing. Also went to school yesterday for the graduation. CONGRATULATIONS Tish and Jess!! My girl friends did it. The school is hiring a secretary, and the Barb introduced me to the "Big Lady" who would be doing the hiring. Barb says she thinks I would be perfect for the job. We'll see. I know I don't have to find a job that is also my soul purpose. It would be perfect if they were the same, but not necessary. I can have a good job doing something that makes me happy, and also have a soul purpose that fulfills me outside of work. Like the farm, dummy! There is so much that I do that makes a difference already. I take really good care of Chip. I need to concentrate on the things that I already have in life that make me happy instead of dreaming about things that don't exist. ( acting, meeting Ron Perlman)

Think I will go out and check on the cows. I need to get a count of all the calves we are going to sell, and get things ready to get them out of here. Brodie will be sold, too. I'll miss him, he was a lot of fun. But there will be a new crop of calves coming in the spring.

I have been trying to be good, so I hope some good Karma comes my way and helps me get a fantastic job. Blessings to all.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ringer, you ignorant slut!

Yesterday my new little friends came over to ride. Shawna presented me with a cute bouquet of tissue paper flowers in a vase and a hand made card to thank me for letting them ride the horses. <> Hanna was there too, and before we went out we watched Hellboy. I showed Hannah all of my Ron Perlman stuff and she thought I was nuts. She loves Elijah Wood, so she does all the same stuff ( collecting) , but she says I have her beat.

We went to catch the horses and Shadow wanted no part of it. He seems to have some hangup about being touched since his incident last week. So I grabbed Ringer and hoisted Shawna up on her. ( we don't use a saddle.) Ringer was just awful! She kept tossing her head and trying to rear. I was holding her so I wasn't afraid that Shawna would get hurt, but it was really pissing me off. Shawna got off and I got on Ringer to show her I mean business. She would not budge. Not even a step. I turned her head in toward my leg to get her to come off balance and take a step, and she just exploded. She started to spin and rear and buck and I thought that I was done for. At one point I was halfway off and resigned myself to the fact that I was going to hit the ground, and the kids were mortified. But I am a pretty good rider (ahem) and I got her to stop and calm down. I made her walk over to the kids quietly and decided to end on that good note. They were astounded that I managed to stay on and must have been pretty scared for me because the rest of the day Shawna was worried about me getting hurt. My little friends.

Then we brushed the horses and I decided to get on Rusty. I didn't have his bridle, so I just used a halter and leadline and we just walked around the pasture for a few minutes. He was an ANGEL!! Its been a long time since we had a good time together and I don't want to forget it. He really enjoyed the attention.

And that is really all that happened yesterday. Tomorrow... off to look for a job.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Job Seeking

Had the interview with the MRDD last Thursday and have heard nothing. I know it went well, but I guess they chose someone else. Also have resumes in at some other good places so I hope I get some interviews. It would be great to have a couple of offers to choose from. Especially since I intend to stay to retirement. Went to a job fair yesterday, which was not that great. There were only a few places there, but I did get called for an interview at one of them today. It is to be a financial advisor, and I don't think that is something I want to make a career of. Interesting yes, but I don't want to get into sales.

Nothing really new on the Ron Perlman front except that they are filming Outlander in Newfoundland right now. I don't think many people even know that he is in that movie. I ordered Missing In America off e-bay and am waiting for it to come. Then I need 5ive Girls and How to go out on a Date in Queens, and I will have all Ron's new movies.

Have had an awful sore throat for two weeks now. Chip started it about 4 days before me. We went to the doctor Friday and got some antibiotics and I was feeling better, but it came back. Also my back is still killing me from trying to get Shadow off the ground last weekend. I am a mess!

Speaking of messes, I am still looking for purpose. What a struggle. But also an adventure. Getting used to the idea that some of my dreams are just that, and feeling a little more content. But still searching. Doesn't this thing come with an owners manual??

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Crazy Old Horse!

We had quite a scare today. Mom came over and the horses were right by the backyard, so we walked out to visit with them. Shadow acted like he was terrified, and tried to walk away, so I put an arm around his neck. He jumped backward and fell down on his butt then rolled over and just lay there flat out. He was breathing heavy and rolling his eyes and I couldn't get him to get up. He tried a couple of times to get up, but couldn't seem to use his rear end. I sent Mom on her way just in case we had a tragedy on our hands, and got Chip to come look at Shadow. Chip did not seem to think it looked good either. We decided to leave him alone and let him rest a minute. Shadow lay there for about half an hour and I went back out to check on him. This time he tried really hard to get up, but his hip looked like it could be broken or hurt, and he couldn't get his back legs to hold him up. I sat down with his head in my lap and was having a talk with him and he just stopped breathing and his eye got all glassy. I thought well, hell, this is it, but then he woke up and tried to get up again. I got a halter and rope on him and Chip and I tried to help him up, but again, he just fell back down and didn't try again. We decided that he probably was giving up so I told Chip that I was going to sit with him for a while. Chip started to walk away and all of a sudden Shadow heaved himself up and got his hind end under him and stood up. We braced him for a minute so he could balance, and I unhooked the halter and he just limped off, looking for the other horses. Crazy old man! Last time I checked on him he was trotting through the pasture calling to the others. I hope he is going to be ok. He is 30 years old and that really scared us. He is a dear old friend.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Here's Hoping...

The County Board of MRDD called me for an interview yesterday. I called back and left a message and am still waiting to hear from them and make an appointment for the interview.Wow! That would be so great. I could actually be working for an organization that really helps people!! Now, if anyone actually reads this blog, you know I am searching for a job and for my life purpose. This would be like having my cake and eating it too. But I stand on my beliefs that if it is meant to be, then so it shall. I am open to the possibilities and pray that the right ones come my way. So here's hoping... ( a few prayers wouldn't hurt either).

I have been thinking about my old friend Ron Waite. Haven't had contact with him in about 20 years, but he has been in my heart. I found that he has written a few articles for some horror mags in the past few years, but other than that have no idea where he is. If you're out there, old friend, I wish you Love, health, happiness and success in all you do.

My other "friend" Ron - watched Desperation and listened to the commentary. Of course when Ron left so did I. Also the magazines I ordered came today. A couple of old Starlogs, # 55 with Quest For Fire, and #82 with Ice Pirates. Also Starburst Summer Special 1989 with Beauty and the Beast episode guide. My collection continues to grow.

It would be fantastic if I could meet Ron and get his autograph. Someday.... Or if I wrote him and he actually wrote back, now that would be a treasure. Gee, I sure don't want much do I?
And, as I have probably said before, I have a great, fulfilling life. Not much that I want or need. I can truly say that I am content for the most part. The things that I am seeking are all things of the soul - friends, purpose, love, fulfillment, happiness. Not bad. Don't have cable or satellite, cell phone, big screen or high def tv, or high speed internet. I do have a rockin' pickup truck, a pretty blue tractor, a brand new baler, and all the Ron Perlman stuff I can get my hands on.

So if anyone is out there, please think good thoughts about me getting this job ( if it IS the right one) and to you all I say, Blessings!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ron Perlman -- And More

Ron sure was busy last week. On sept 21 he was at the 32nd annual Dinner of Champions in LA. On the 25th he played in the 9th annual American Film Institute Golf Classic at Trump Natl. Golf Club in Hollywood. And of course, last weekend he was in NJ for the Fangoria convention. I wish I could have gotten myself to New Jersey for that, but its a bit far.

Ordered some magazines from e-bay and should be getting them soon. And I have been looking for the new issue of Shock Cinema ( #31 ) and the bookstore just called to say it is ( finally) in. They probably wonder why I am so anxious to get it, but with Ron on the cover it should be obvious!

5ive Girls comes out next Tuesday. Will be looking for that one. When is The Last Winter coming?? What about Dungeon Seige? Killer By Nature?

Still looking for a job. No bites yet.
Still looking for my soul purpose. ( My God Cindy, just give up already!!)