Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday Ramblings

What a beautiful day today is turning out to be! Tina called and the kids aren't coming out today, which is a bummer on one hand, but on the other, it gives me the whole day to myself and Chip.The house is clean, the lawn is mowed. I got my tomato and pepper plants planted, and also some Zinnia seeds that Karen gave me. And some other seeds as well. So the yard looks pretty good if I do say so myself. Ahhhhh.. I haven't felt this good in a while. Its so nice to be outside in the fresh air, getting things done.

Later tonight when it cools off I am planning on taking a walk in the woods. Maybe I will find a baby fawn or foxes or something fun. I need to get back to my exercise regime. The windchimes are ringing in the yard, which means that the wind must be blowing a bit. Ah yes, there it is now, a cool breeze coming in the window. I think I will go out and sit on the porch for a bit until Chip gets back from the farm. Then we are going to go to the Home Depot and get some stuff, and then to Taco Bell ( our big night out haa haa) for dinner.

Wow, I am a little achy from all the gardening. All of a sudden my back is wanting to seize up. I guess I better get a hot shower and rest it a bit so I can do some more tomorrow. Nothing much interesting is happening, so I think I will just sign off and maybe I will have some fascinating thing to say tomorrow Hmmmmm...


At 9:11 PM, Blogger Impressionist said...

Hey thanx for the visit upon my blog.
and nice blog u've got here.
Do keep comin back!
i've linked ur blog!!

peace & love

At 8:01 AM, Blogger  Cin said...

Thanks! I will link to yours as well. You have a great blog!



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