Monday, May 28, 2007

Appeasing The Hay Gods

Yes, the annual hay sacrifice has been made and now the hay Gods have been appeased. Chip cut about six rows of the hay field this weekend and it had been drought dry. Yesterday afternoon the skys opened up and the rain came and it is supposed to continue raining all week.
Every year we lose a bit of hay and so we consider it a sacrifice so that the rest of the crop will come in well.

Also while moving the tedder from its parking spot, a wasp flew out from under it and nailed both me and Chip. Ouch!! So she has to find a new place to nest. Hopefully far from us :)

So today since it is rainy, perhaps we can rest, or maybe go check out some tractors. A great day for just hanging out and relaxing. Raka has come online and I am chatting with her right now. Oh, it is so great to talk to her :)

I think i will just tidy up the house and enjoy this day. It feels great now that the rain hads come and everything feels fresh. I am sure all the animals are quite relieved. Rusty has been sweating and panting and I have been wanting to give him a cool bath to make him feel a bit better. He used to love getting baths. He used to love playing in the water with me when we were younger.
Some days I long to revisit those times with us in our youth, playing and being best buddies. But that summer of my youth is long past and those carefree days of leisure have been replaced with work and responsibility. Yet, we are still together. Still friends. Though I sense that Russ is not as into me as he once was. Course he had his horse buddies, his girlfriend Peaches. He really doesn't care to be bothered anymore. Big hairy clod :)

There is a bird singing out there. Looks like it has stopped raining. Maybe I can get my cantaloupe seeds planted today. Hopefully it will not be too hot out there. I have almost got the spreader unloaded and I can move the manure around the gardens a little bit. I love these quiet days. It is so nice to realize and appreciate a good thing. So often we just go about our busy days and forget to stop and smell the roses. We take the daily events of our lives for granted and do not look for the little pleasures that surround us every day.

So people, today take a moment to reflect and find something joyous about your life. Cherish it and nourish it, then pass it along to someone who also needs some love.



At 10:16 PM, Blogger Priyanka Sarkar said...

very well written cin!!!
it touches a chord somewhere down the heart:)

At 6:51 PM, Blogger  Cin said...


Thanks! Always a pleasure to hear from you :)


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