Friday, June 29, 2007

The Rains Have Come

Thank goodness the rain has arrived again. Last night it stormed like crazy and while driving home on the expressway, I couldn't see a thing in front of me. I must admit it was terrifying, but thankfully I got home ok. I hope that everyone else got home with no problems too. So now the ground had gotten a good soaking and the plants are happy again. Now lets hope that the grass begins to grow like crazy and we get another cutting of hay.

We are going to go pick up the hay and equipment this weekend. John is coming over at 8:00 in the morning tomorrow to help us. I am really excited about it because we will have a little ( big ) field trip and get our work done. Maybe he will bring the girls with him. Of course this will be lots of hard work so they may not want to come because it really won't be fun for them. But we'll see. I really enjoy hard work when you are accomplishing something. It is nice to get physical and flex your muscles, and that is something I really need to do. Just sitting in that office all day is making me fat! ( well, I guess its all the eating I am doing that is really doing it ). Will try to get some pictures of the hay in the field to post here.

We were talking the other day about flowers and I told the girls how Chip used to put a rose on my windshield once in a while to surprise me at work. Karen said no one ever did that for her, so yesterday I went and got a purple carnation ( she said that was her favorite) and had Harry put it on her windshield. That way when she asked me about it I could honestly say that I did not put flowers on her windshield. Well, she got the flowers and they must have made her happy and today when I got there she was talking about the flowers and I acted like " what are you talking about, I didn't out any flowers on your car". She made me pinky swear that I didn't do it and then she knew I wouldn't lie to her so she couldn't figure it out. It was so much fun to see the look on her face when she was trying to figure out who put flowers on her car. Then she asked me if i BOUGHT the flowers and she had me. I cannot tell a lie. But it was a lot of fun. And Harry got a kick out of it too because he really cares a lot about Karen too. He is such a great guy. Somewhere out there is a guy just like that just waiting for Karen to discover him. Can't wait till she does and finds so much happiness.

Been thinking a lot about a puppy again. Is it time, or isn't it? But if it is, she will come to us.

Work was not too bad this week, and the end of the month at that. When I left today I had all the deals completed, so the only ones I will have to do are the ones sold this weekend. And I have all day Monday to process them. So I am not going to hold my breath and hope there aren't many, because I know better by now. However many deals we get, I can do them. Its nice to be getting a little more confident in myself and my abilities.

Its really cooling off outside and just getting dusky, and I think I will go out for a spin around the field and check out the cows to see if there are any new babies to look for. Plus, must get plenty of rest for the big adventure tomorrow.

Peaceful evening all!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bella Takes a Trip

What a weekend, people! First, just getting the equipment loaded and ready to go to our farm in Indiana was gruelling enough. Chip had nightmares for days beforehand. And I was a nervous wreck as always. But we got Bella all loaded up and ready for her field trip, and headed out, figuring we would have no problems since the truck had been in the shop at work all week having new brakes installed and the transmission serviced ( don't even ask how much it cost. Lets just say it was more than a month's salary for me ) So doop-dee-doo off we went. We got to the bottom of the hill and I looked over at Chip and said " what's burning??" Well, guess what? It was us! There was smoke pouring from the front brakes! We were like " oh, crap! now what do we do?" Here we had a 10 thousand pound tractor on a gooseneck trailer hitched to this truck and it was on fire. Ruh Ro Raggie! Luckily disaster was averted and the truck did not ignite. We got the trailer off the road into a parking lot and a guy next door came out and helped us and soon we were back on our way to Sunman and made a new friend too! A neat thing about our new friend.. He used to bank at "the bank" but pulled his business account out because of the way they treated him! Exactly why I quit there, was the reason he left too! Poetic justice.

So we got to Indiana, unloaded Bella and by then were so exhausted ( mentally at least) that we just turned around and came back home. Besides we had to go to Tylers wedding that evening. That was really fun, and I am not a very social person. Crowds make me nervous. But I was hoping to meet Tom's girlfriend from England, and then she didn't even come because she was too shy. Bummer. We didn't have any cake because we wanted to be good to our diets, but then after we left, Chip took me to the store to pick up some magazines so I would have something to read on Sunday, and we picked up some cheesecake and coffee. So we were up till about 1 in the morning drinking coffee and eating cheesecake and watching Saturday Night Live. It was really quite a nice evening.
On Sunday, I packed us up with lunch and plenty of water, two folding chairs, my portable dvd player and some Ron Perlman movies and the magazines we got the night before. We got out there and unloaded the rake and cutter and Chip started cutting and I set up camp on top of the trailer, kicked off my shoes and started reading. It was neat, because the rain kept coming through, but only just a little bit each time. It would get chilly and start to blow, a quick shower would come and then the sun came out right away. I didn't even get wet. We had a picnic, Chip went back to work, and I went back to reading. I did get caught " with my pants down" which could have been mortifying, but I just laughed it off. See, there is only a huge field, no bathrooms. And well, um, I had to get rid of some of that water I had been drinking. I thought I was safe beside the truck with the doors open, and this person drove down the street and stopped on the road right in front of me! Not sure how much he saw, but i sure jumped up quick.
Chip got half the field cut and that was quite a bit, so we quit for the day and came home. I even made a nice pork roast with rice and green beans for dinner.
And that was the weekend in review. It was very busy yet nice too.
Today I got my packet of clippings of Ron Perlman!! Yay! There are some really nice ones in there and I am going to go and categorize them tonight. I do so love to get new Ronnie things! I am getting the writing bug again too. Really, there are so many ideas in my head for stories, but I have a hard time getting them out. Maybe I should ask Rajeev for some advice. He is so talented and it seems like he comes up with something new and grand every day. Whaddya say Jeevy?? Well, getting tired and must get back to Chip. Hope everyone is well and happy. Give everyone you meet a smile, a kind word or a little bit of love, and it will come back to you tenfold. Lotsa love to you all! Cheers!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Rain Finally!

It finally decided to rain a little today, not a whole lot, but anything is better than nothing. It's just been so hot and dry and uncomfortable out there, and everything feels dirty, dusty and crummy. Bah! Lets hope that it rains like crazy the rest of the weekend.

Ron Perlman: still waiting on my packet of clippings, and my French article. Looking forward to a cold winter day and Karen coming out and helping me scrapbook my collection. She doesn't seem to think I am insane or anything. Got my Hoodlum and Son dvd this week and watched that. Now I think I will go after 5ive Girls. Still have to watch the rest of Mag 7 and Beauty and the Beast. Oh, and Hellboy Blood and Iron! Can't wait. Maybe when hay is all done.

I am really wanting to get the house all tidied up and clean and just chill out for a whole weekend. Now I will be getting off work at 5:00 on Thursdays and Fridays, so I can have a whole extra hour both nights to get a head start on the cleaning.

Chip and I went to Gold Star for conies tonight and on the way home he commented on the beauty of the clouds and how we don't take the time to look at them nearly often enough. You know, every day is a new beginning and we should treat it as such. We should glean all the wonder and beauty out of life, and enjoy every moment. Who cares that Wednesday was a bad day at work? That is done and over with and why waste time being upset about it now? Somebody cuts you off on the highway? Not even worth a frown. Just back off a few feet and let them in. Its nothing personal. I know that I am one of those people that takes myself way too seriously in some ways. But in others I am fun loving and childlike. For instance, I love to play in the rain. Its really just like taking a shower, people! A little wet never hurt anybody ( except the wicked witch). Its fun to get all soaked and cool and your clothes stick to you and your tennis shoes squish when you walk. No big deal! But yet I go wild if things go badly at work. I have to be perfect and get everything done right now. I get impatient and bad tempered. And you know what? It doesn't change anything. Me getting in a foul mood doesn't make work go any better. And I know that I care wayyyy too much. I have no control over other people and I just need to relax and go with the flow. So-and-so doesn't pull her weight? She spends the whole day flirting with the guys and on her phone or the internet? While we slog away, hard at work. Do we get recognized for our dedication? No, not really. Does she get reprimanded for her poor behavior? No again. Can we do anything about it? No. So why not just let it go and hope that justice will be served someday. Karma, people.

Its actually a bit chilly in here right now. I have goose bumps. Perhaps I will go clean some and take a hot shower and watch a little television. Really, I need to go walking and get some more exercise. Some weight lifting would be nice too. Since I turned 40 a whole month ago, I feel like my muscles are turning to jello. Remember how good you felt when you lost weight, Cin.

Ok, I have bored you all enough today. Karen may be the only person reading this blog any more, I may have chased every one else off with my babbling. But Karen, dear Karen...
I never thought I would trust another person again. And here, I have found a "soul mate" in her. I am truly terrified at times that she will decide she doesn't like me anymore. Besides my blogger friends ( y'all know who you are) Karen is the only person I can be myself with and share my soul with. I know that I was sent to Dodge for a reason, and that was in part to meet Karen. I want her to know how much I value her friendship.

Oh and by the way, my Notary Stamp came in this week and I am now officially notarizing documents. I even got to swear somebody in! Cool!!

Will try to come up with some interesting topics and things to say for the next post. Tomorrow we are going to put Bella on the trailer and take her out to Sunman and start cutting the hay out there. Wish us luck!!

Love, Peace and Happiness to all!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Busy Week, Pray For Rain

The farm is as dry as a desert out here. The hay crop this year has been paltry to say the least and the pastures are burning to a crisp. We are going to trailer out the equipment to the farm in Indiana and hope for a better crop there. We need rain. Badly. Plus it looks as if there will be very little hay for sale this year, so we can't even buy any. Feast or famine.

The cows are looking well though.

Really, I am quite exhausted. It is hot, dry and miserable. I find myself in such a foul mood when it is this hot and humid. But hay season is upon us and we must keep moving forward.

Ron Perlman: Got some stuff off Ebay today. And picked up a copy of Blood and Iron too. Plus I am waiting for Hoodlum and Son to come from Ebay. For a long while it seemed that there was nothing new offered on Ebay, but lately I have been bidding like crazy. It helps that I am working again, and making all that overtime. Today's purchase cost me two hours of overtime.Well worth it. If I calculate things that way, I can really judge how much something is worth to me. Hmmm, Pete gets nasty with me? Thats worth a pretty penny ! :) Ha! Really, he hasn't said anything mean to me since he had his little freak out on me several weeks ago. Perhaps it got back to him that I was ready to resign.

Ohh! Got my Notary commission yesterday! It is all recorded and I am official. Now my stamp just needs to get here. And, I was called for jury duty starting the first two weeks of next month, and I called today and got excused from the first week so I can get month end stuff done at work. Now that is a loyal employee!

Last weekend was such a blast. First with Karen coming over, and then on Sunday we drove out to Sunman to see what the hay field looked like there. Then we went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream and then for a drive looking for more ground. It was a beautiful day and really relaxing.

We ordered the new tractor and it was delivered to the store yesterday. I think we are going to go visit it tomorrow. They still have to install the loader, but Chip wants to see how she looks.
The Sizemores just stopped by to see if we were interested in buying their property, but the field is abysmal and we really don't want to spend the money. Its ok to cut it for free, but a quarter million dollars is way too much for 14 acres. If that is the going rate, we are sitting on a gold mine!! But I do worry about what will happen to the land and to Rebecca. Rebecca is buried there. All I know is her headstone names her and says "wife and mother". I visit her each year and make sure her headstone is still ok. It sits by the opening of an old well that must have belonged to the house that Rebecca lived in some hundred or more years ago. I often wonder what her life was like, what the place looked like then. How old was she? How did she die? Hopefully she knows that someone still thinks about her, that she is not forgotten.
Sigh! Remember my fantasy of Ron Perlman coming down the driveway and wanting to use the farm to film a new movie, and discovering me and making me his star?? I can dream, can't I ?
Mom and Dad sold their house! Finally. Now we only have to pick up their riding mower and a few small pieces of equipment and we will be away from that place for good. We walked in the back yard last night and it seems so much smaller than when I was a young girl playing with our dog. I remembered the yard as a vast oasis, with a huge weeping willow tree that I hid under, totally obscured by the drooping limbs. I spent many summer hours secluded next to the cool trunk, reading Nancy Drew and Black Beauty, dreaming of a horse of my own, or a mystery to solve. Now the tree is long gone, the yard seems tiny, and those long ago days are but a memoy. Oh, but what fun. And those memories still remain, now that they have been reawakened in my soul. And you know what? I would never go back to those days. Not for one second. I love my life the way it is now and wouldn't trade it for a thing.
I can track my evolution through this blog, as can anyone who reads it. This is truly the most personal mutterings of my heart. Sometimes it is merely rambling, but I do express a lot of my true self here. I feel free when I am writing, happy and unencumbered. Not to mention the friends I am making along the way.
Getting really tired. Think I will go get a cool shower and relax. I am reading a book called "The First Assistant" about a Hollywood star's assistant and her misadventures. It is fairly entertaining and I think I will just settle in a read a bit. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with moving mom and dad's stuff and getting the equipment to Sunman.
Well, life is interesting, to say the least. No Regrets. May you all be blessed with peace, love and happiness.
Love Cin

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Fantastic Day!!

Yesterday was such a fantastic day! Karen came over and we did all kinds of things. First, I met her at the IGA and drove her to the farm, so she could take notes on how to get there. She brought along all kinds of plants for me! "they are beautiful" Karen! Then we walked out and I introduced her to the cows and the bull. Everyone was heading to the woods for their morning nap so we went in and the horses came over to see their new friend. Shadow walked right up to Karen and started to nuzzle on her. We got Rusty and brought him to the backyard and gave him a bath. About halfway through his bath, he woke up and got really frisky. I showed Karen how he loves to have the water sprayed in his face and they started playing and getting us all wet. But he got too upset that he couldn't see the other horsed and wanted to get back to them so we decided to put him back out and get Shadow out for a ride instead. Karen got up on Shadow bareback and with no bridle and I led them around for a while. You did GREAT Karen! Woo Hoo!! Karen rode a horse! So I can't wait till she comes back out and we can do a little more riding. First step to getting a horse of your own, girlfriend!

We also went shopping at Hallmark and to Perkins to pick up the Peanut Butter Silk pie for Sally's birthday tomorrow. MMMMMM.. Rajeev had asked what it tastes like. Well, it is a chocolate crust, peanut butter, cream and sugar filling, and then a whipped cream-like frosting on top drizzled with chocolate and sprinkled with mini peanut butter cups. And its served cold. Absolutely like a decadent little slice of heaven, my friend.

We have a couple of new calves! First there is Haidyn, named after a new little friend of mine. She is a real cutie ( the girl AND the calf ) :) And the calf is growing fast too! And also last night we noticed a strange calf that we had not seen before. Queenie had a baby!! She is about two days old now and we didn't even notice! ( great farm managent there, Cin) But in my defense, it is hay season and was end of month at work and I am just coming back to my senses now.

It was nice spending the day with Karen and being able to really talk and cut-up without being at work and having to concentrate on our tasks. She is the only person I have ever worked with all day long and then wanted to spend my free time with too!! :) Its crazy, we are like a couple of 40 year old kids. Ah, but it is a lot of fun. I don't act my age, but in a good way. Its fun to be curious and adventurous. I still love walking in the creek with rubber boots on and looking for rocks and baby fish. I love hiding in the hen house and waiting for the baby foxes to come out from under it and play. They are just like puppies. People are way too serious about things, and in return, a lot of the joy in the little things about life just slips away from them. You must see the beauty and wonder of a mamma bird feeding her new hatchlings, or teaching them fo fly. What joy it is to watch the bull ( all 2000 pounds of him ) playing gently with his kids, letting them charge and bat at him with their heads and pretending ( REALLY !!) that they are pushing him backwards.

Yes, my friends, life is wonderful.

Really have to go and help Chip rake the hay. We got all of ours in and he went over and cut Sizemores field yesterday. So he is raking now and maybe tomorrow it will be dry enough to bale. The new baler is doing a great job and Chip loves it. And we have decided to do the deal on the new tractor for Chip too. I told the salesman that I will call him Monday and give him the go ahead to order it if all the terms of the sale are agreeable to us. And since they are, Chip will be getting his new tractor, with heat, air conditioning, AND a radio with cd player. Sigh. Maybe now I can guilt him into getting me a puppy :)

So, it is a truly, fantastically, wonderful day and I am going to go out and enjoy it. There is virtually no humidity and the sun is perfect and there is a great breeze blowing. Great day, people! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Love and happiness to all.

Love Cindy

Friday, June 08, 2007

Busy Week

This was a really busy week for us. Work was crazy and I really started to have second thoughts about it because I was so swamped with work I couldn't hardly breathe. I hate that. It is nice to be busy and productive, but a bummer to be too busy to follow up on things and keep things organized.But I got caught up today, just in time for the weekend.

Karen is coming over tomorrow!! I am so excited, I feel like I am 10 years old again and having a friend over for a slumber party. We are going to ride the horses and give Rusty a bath and walk the fence. I will introduce her to all the cows and we can just hang out and have fun. I got some hamburger and we can cook out. And we will make strawberry shortcake for dessert! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Just like a kid again.

And we are going to surprise Sally on Monday for her birthday with a peanutbutter silk pie. Maybe I will pick up a cute little plant for her desk too. I am not too happy with work right now, but I do love the comraderie with my coworkers. So I have a lot to do tonight. I will go for now and be back tomorrow night with a report on our adventure. I hope Karen has lots of fun!

See ya!

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Three Master "B's"

Phew!! Month end went down with barely a hitch for me. They sold 9 more deals after I left at 7:30 last night, but I was able to stay calm and keep from getting overwhelmed and got everything that needed done, finished. We really seemed to bond today as well. Karen, Sally and I were all "inundated" with work and we were very, very, very, very busy. (That's for you Karen) :) But we kept laughing and cracking up and worked really well together. Note to self: had a lot of work to do and it was not easy but I did do it and well at that. It will keep getting easier.

I am going to go fix us a pizza and salad and maybe have a beer and get a shower and then I will be back with more blogging :) Really, did I have to write that? Because no one knows how much time has elapsed when one is writing a post. Ain't I a smarty?

Back, and full of pizza and ginger ale, no beer.Tomorrow we are going to check out a new tractor, so we will get up early and then I can clean the house when we get back. I hope this weekend is as relaxing as last weekend was. I really enjoyed that.

Other things I enjoy:

the feel of the flokati rug beneath my bare feet
a cool shower on a hot night
a good pee (don't ask)
painting my toe nails and putting on a toe ring
comfy AND sexy underwear
good friends
a clear starlit night with a cool breeze
a walk in the woods at dusk

Hmmm. Feeling really good about how month end went. I have been feeling a little bad that I have had no time whatsoever to do catch up stuff. No cleaning of schedules, extra filing, scanning. But Kathy said that Yvonne was only doing as much as I am right now when she first started too. So I am doing ok. Just wish that I had more free time to learn other things so I could help out my friends. Harry went out and got egg rolls for us for lunch. He also brought donuts today and shared with us. He is a really sweet guy. I didn't think there could be such a great guy out there, besides Chip.

Really rambling tonight with nothing much of substance to say. I can't believe that people actually read this and seem to enjoy some of my posts. There are so many talented writers out there that I have come to know and appreciate. We have, of course, Raka. And Rajeev is such a wonderful storyteller. I find myself transfixed reading his tales. And Priyanka, who seems to me to be a wonderful, sensitive, nurturing soul, Extremely intelligent, incredibly talented writer. And so many more, but I am getting to know these people and feel a bond with them. A year ago, I was lost and lonely, searching for purpose and meaning. Now I have been blessed to be a part of this circle of lovely souls. Have I found my true calling? Don't think so, exactly. But now I realize that it is not all about doing incredible fantastically great things. But rather, small meaningful, touching things. I am a friend. I have helped a cow deliver her calf and bring new life into this world. I have been kind. Have smiled at a person who looks sad and watched her face light up with realization that someone cared. Come to the rescue of my elderly parents, who raised me and cared for me and came to my rescue before. Am a good wife and partner and friend to my husband. Those are all accomplishments to be proud of.

A girl at the gas station complimented the mustang tonight. She walked over and said "great car!" Then told me that she has always wanted a mustang of her own. I like it when people compliment me. I am an approval whore.

Yesterday I was very ill. My blood sugar dropped drastically and I was so weak and shaky and sick that I had to wait a while before I could get to work. Another note to self: Never EVER eat half a container of cheesecake filling for dinner again.

Ron Perlman: This week I got a packet of clippings of Ron articles from EBAY. Mostly Hellboy stuff, but some really good articles that I didn't have already. A great deal! Also got a French magazine with a picture of Ron and Opal at the premiere of Alien Resurrection. And last night I won an agency photo and resume. Lots to add to my new collection.

Getting tired and think I will sign off for the night. Hope you all are having a great day. Peace and happiness to all!