Bella Takes a Trip

What a weekend, people! First, just getting the equipment loaded and ready to go to our farm in Indiana was gruelling enough. Chip had nightmares for days beforehand. And I was a nervous wreck as always. But we got Bella all loaded up and ready for her field trip, and headed out, figuring we would have no problems since the truck had been in the shop at work all week having new brakes installed and the transmission serviced ( don't even ask how much it cost. Lets just say it was more than a month's salary for me ) So doop-dee-doo off we went. We got to the bottom of the hill and I looked over at Chip and said " what's burning??" Well, guess what? It was us! There was smoke pouring from the front brakes! We were like " oh, crap! now what do we do?" Here we had a 10 thousand pound tractor on a gooseneck trailer hitched to this truck and it was on fire. Ruh Ro Raggie! Luckily disaster was averted and the truck did not ignite. We got the trailer off the road into a parking lot and a guy next door came out and helped us and soon we were back on our way to Sunman and made a new friend too! A neat thing about our new friend.. He used to bank at "the bank" but pulled his business account out because of the way they treated him! Exactly why I quit there, was the reason he left too! Poetic justice.
So we got to Indiana, unloaded Bella and by then were so exhausted ( mentally at least) that we just turned around and came back home. Besides we had to go to Tylers wedding that evening. That was really fun, and I am not a very social person. Crowds make me nervous. But I was hoping to meet Tom's girlfriend from England, and then she didn't even come because she was too shy. Bummer. We didn't have any cake because we wanted to be good to our diets, but then after we left, Chip took me to the store to pick up some magazines so I would have something to read on Sunday, and we picked up some cheesecake and coffee. So we were up till about 1 in the morning drinking coffee and eating cheesecake and watching Saturday Night Live. It was really quite a nice evening.
On Sunday, I packed us up with lunch and plenty of water, two folding chairs, my portable dvd player and some Ron Perlman movies and the magazines we got the night before. We got out there and unloaded the rake and cutter and Chip started cutting and I set up camp on top of the trailer, kicked off my shoes and started reading. It was neat, because the rain kept coming through, but only just a little bit each time. It would get chilly and start to blow, a quick shower would come and then the sun came out right away. I didn't even get wet. We had a picnic, Chip went back to work, and I went back to reading. I did get caught " with my pants down" which could have been mortifying, but I just laughed it off. See, there is only a huge field, no bathrooms. And well, um, I had to get rid of some of that water I had been drinking. I thought I was safe beside the truck with the doors open, and this person drove down the street and stopped on the road right in front of me! Not sure how much he saw, but i sure jumped up quick.
Chip got half the field cut and that was quite a bit, so we quit for the day and came home. I even made a nice pork roast with rice and green beans for dinner.
And that was the weekend in review. It was very busy yet nice too.
Today I got my packet of clippings of Ron Perlman!! Yay! There are some really nice ones in there and I am going to go and categorize them tonight. I do so love to get new Ronnie things! I am getting the writing bug again too. Really, there are so many ideas in my head for stories, but I have a hard time getting them out. Maybe I should ask Rajeev for some advice. He is so talented and it seems like he comes up with something new and grand every day. Whaddya say Jeevy?? Well, getting tired and must get back to Chip. Hope everyone is well and happy. Give everyone you meet a smile, a kind word or a little bit of love, and it will come back to you tenfold. Lotsa love to you all! Cheers!
some one is having a busy and eventful week eh?? :D
lotsa hugs and kisses...
love raka
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