Busy Week, Pray For Rain

The farm is as dry as a desert out here. The hay crop this year has been paltry to say the least and the pastures are burning to a crisp. We are going to trailer out the equipment to the farm in Indiana and hope for a better crop there. We need rain. Badly. Plus it looks as if there will be very little hay for sale this year, so we can't even buy any. Feast or famine.
The cows are looking well though.
Really, I am quite exhausted. It is hot, dry and miserable. I find myself in such a foul mood when it is this hot and humid. But hay season is upon us and we must keep moving forward.
Ron Perlman: Got some stuff off Ebay today. And picked up a copy of Blood and Iron too. Plus I am waiting for Hoodlum and Son to come from Ebay. For a long while it seemed that there was nothing new offered on Ebay, but lately I have been bidding like crazy. It helps that I am working again, and making all that overtime. Today's purchase cost me two hours of overtime.Well worth it. If I calculate things that way, I can really judge how much something is worth to me. Hmmm, Pete gets nasty with me? Thats worth a pretty penny ! :) Ha! Really, he hasn't said anything mean to me since he had his little freak out on me several weeks ago. Perhaps it got back to him that I was ready to resign.
Ohh! Got my Notary commission yesterday! It is all recorded and I am official. Now my stamp just needs to get here. And, I was called for jury duty starting the first two weeks of next month, and I called today and got excused from the first week so I can get month end stuff done at work. Now that is a loyal employee!
Last weekend was such a blast. First with Karen coming over, and then on Sunday we drove out to Sunman to see what the hay field looked like there. Then we went to Dairy Queen for some ice cream and then for a drive looking for more ground. It was a beautiful day and really relaxing.
We ordered the new tractor and it was delivered to the store yesterday. I think we are going to go visit it tomorrow. They still have to install the loader, but Chip wants to see how she looks.
The Sizemores just stopped by to see if we were interested in buying their property, but the field is abysmal and we really don't want to spend the money. Its ok to cut it for free, but a quarter million dollars is way too much for 14 acres. If that is the going rate, we are sitting on a gold mine!! But I do worry about what will happen to the land and to Rebecca. Rebecca is buried there. All I know is her headstone names her and says "wife and mother". I visit her each year and make sure her headstone is still ok. It sits by the opening of an old well that must have belonged to the house that Rebecca lived in some hundred or more years ago. I often wonder what her life was like, what the place looked like then. How old was she? How did she die? Hopefully she knows that someone still thinks about her, that she is not forgotten.
Sigh! Remember my fantasy of Ron Perlman coming down the driveway and wanting to use the farm to film a new movie, and discovering me and making me his star?? I can dream, can't I ?
Mom and Dad sold their house! Finally. Now we only have to pick up their riding mower and a few small pieces of equipment and we will be away from that place for good. We walked in the back yard last night and it seems so much smaller than when I was a young girl playing with our dog. I remembered the yard as a vast oasis, with a huge weeping willow tree that I hid under, totally obscured by the drooping limbs. I spent many summer hours secluded next to the cool trunk, reading Nancy Drew and Black Beauty, dreaming of a horse of my own, or a mystery to solve. Now the tree is long gone, the yard seems tiny, and those long ago days are but a memoy. Oh, but what fun. And those memories still remain, now that they have been reawakened in my soul. And you know what? I would never go back to those days. Not for one second. I love my life the way it is now and wouldn't trade it for a thing.
I can track my evolution through this blog, as can anyone who reads it. This is truly the most personal mutterings of my heart. Sometimes it is merely rambling, but I do express a lot of my true self here. I feel free when I am writing, happy and unencumbered. Not to mention the friends I am making along the way.
Getting really tired. Think I will go get a cool shower and relax. I am reading a book called "The First Assistant" about a Hollywood star's assistant and her misadventures. It is fairly entertaining and I think I will just settle in a read a bit. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with moving mom and dad's stuff and getting the equipment to Sunman.
Well, life is interesting, to say the least. No Regrets. May you all be blessed with peace, love and happiness.
Love Cin
wow reading your post made me almost visualize it all...quite a fairy tale it is....who is Rebecca Cindy???and why did ur parents sell their home?
this time you missed our chat,i waited and waited without you turning up
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