Friday, June 22, 2007

Rain Finally!

It finally decided to rain a little today, not a whole lot, but anything is better than nothing. It's just been so hot and dry and uncomfortable out there, and everything feels dirty, dusty and crummy. Bah! Lets hope that it rains like crazy the rest of the weekend.

Ron Perlman: still waiting on my packet of clippings, and my French article. Looking forward to a cold winter day and Karen coming out and helping me scrapbook my collection. She doesn't seem to think I am insane or anything. Got my Hoodlum and Son dvd this week and watched that. Now I think I will go after 5ive Girls. Still have to watch the rest of Mag 7 and Beauty and the Beast. Oh, and Hellboy Blood and Iron! Can't wait. Maybe when hay is all done.

I am really wanting to get the house all tidied up and clean and just chill out for a whole weekend. Now I will be getting off work at 5:00 on Thursdays and Fridays, so I can have a whole extra hour both nights to get a head start on the cleaning.

Chip and I went to Gold Star for conies tonight and on the way home he commented on the beauty of the clouds and how we don't take the time to look at them nearly often enough. You know, every day is a new beginning and we should treat it as such. We should glean all the wonder and beauty out of life, and enjoy every moment. Who cares that Wednesday was a bad day at work? That is done and over with and why waste time being upset about it now? Somebody cuts you off on the highway? Not even worth a frown. Just back off a few feet and let them in. Its nothing personal. I know that I am one of those people that takes myself way too seriously in some ways. But in others I am fun loving and childlike. For instance, I love to play in the rain. Its really just like taking a shower, people! A little wet never hurt anybody ( except the wicked witch). Its fun to get all soaked and cool and your clothes stick to you and your tennis shoes squish when you walk. No big deal! But yet I go wild if things go badly at work. I have to be perfect and get everything done right now. I get impatient and bad tempered. And you know what? It doesn't change anything. Me getting in a foul mood doesn't make work go any better. And I know that I care wayyyy too much. I have no control over other people and I just need to relax and go with the flow. So-and-so doesn't pull her weight? She spends the whole day flirting with the guys and on her phone or the internet? While we slog away, hard at work. Do we get recognized for our dedication? No, not really. Does she get reprimanded for her poor behavior? No again. Can we do anything about it? No. So why not just let it go and hope that justice will be served someday. Karma, people.

Its actually a bit chilly in here right now. I have goose bumps. Perhaps I will go clean some and take a hot shower and watch a little television. Really, I need to go walking and get some more exercise. Some weight lifting would be nice too. Since I turned 40 a whole month ago, I feel like my muscles are turning to jello. Remember how good you felt when you lost weight, Cin.

Ok, I have bored you all enough today. Karen may be the only person reading this blog any more, I may have chased every one else off with my babbling. But Karen, dear Karen...
I never thought I would trust another person again. And here, I have found a "soul mate" in her. I am truly terrified at times that she will decide she doesn't like me anymore. Besides my blogger friends ( y'all know who you are) Karen is the only person I can be myself with and share my soul with. I know that I was sent to Dodge for a reason, and that was in part to meet Karen. I want her to know how much I value her friendship.

Oh and by the way, my Notary Stamp came in this week and I am now officially notarizing documents. I even got to swear somebody in! Cool!!

Will try to come up with some interesting topics and things to say for the next post. Tomorrow we are going to put Bella on the trailer and take her out to Sunman and start cutting the hay out there. Wish us luck!!

Love, Peace and Happiness to all!!


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