Friday, February 23, 2007


Clara had twins last night right before Chip got there to feed. I can't wait till tomorrow so I can get to see them. Must clean the barn. Now that it has thawed out, all the frozen poopcicles have turned into wet sloppy plops. I'll get my exercise for the week for sure. I do miss my daily trips to the barn to clean and feed, but work is nice too.

Ron Perlman: Saw Hellboy Sword of Storms last night and loved it! I really enjoyed the cartoon. Quite well done, I say. Tad Stones did a good job there. Looking forward to the next ones. Also got Beauty and the Beast season 1 yesterday, finally. So after the barn chores are done, I plan on a hot shower and a "Ron-A-Thon". Can't wait for Pro Life to come out also so I can get that on dvd. I plan to send a copy to Pat, too.

Raka and I got to chat real time last Sunday and I hope we can hook up again this weekend. I haven't heard from her all week and am missing her. I told the girls at work that I have a friend in India and they were like " yeah, sure.How do you know its really a girl in India? It's probably some old guy that lives around the corner from you" No, she is a beautiful, real person - aren't you Raka.

Work is great. Haven't had time for much of anything else, but it is rewarding. I am really catching on. Things just started to click this week with the accounts and stuff. I had to unlearn everything I had done at the bank and learn all this stuff. The system and account numbers from the bank are so similar to the ones now that I was mixing myself up. But I am actually enjoying doing the accounting and title work. Ah, finally, the bank is far behind me. All you hateful bitches can kiss my butt. (and those of you who I actually liked, disregard that- it wasn't meant for you).

Eeeeeeeeee!!! Magnificent Seven season Two will be out in May. Can't wait. Only thing better than Ron Perlman is Ron Perlman on a horse.

Not much more to report. Am dying to get to writing again, but need to find the time and the inspiration. Right now I just need to keep the house clean and the chores under control. Not doing too bad though. Am getting myself into a routine of sorts. The days are getting longer and the weather is getting better. Mmmmm.

Got a new book by Deepak Chopra about reincarnation. Looking forward to starting on that.

Time to go watch the tube with Chip. Happy weekend everyone!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Digging Out

It is snowing again. Started last night and has continued all day long. Actually it's kind of neat. The snow is coming down and its deep and so quiet you can hear it hit the ground. Kind of like you are in your own little world. I came up with an idea for another story while walking up the pasture to check on the horses. One of these days I may actually write something.

It seems so strange to think back a few months ago when I was feeling so desperate and looking for my purpose. Now I feel like I am on the correct path, even though no great things are really happening just yet. But there is a sense of peace and contentment inside of me. I have made some friends whom I value very much. I have a job now and am enjoying it and the people I work with. I have a lot less free time to bum around, but the feeling of productivity outweighs it. One thing I need to concentrate on is continuing to lose weight. When I was cleaning the barn every day I was getting a lot of exercise and that was helping quite a bit. I need to walk at lunch or something to keep the action going. Maybe I can get myself to get on the elliptical machine each morning for a few minutes. I need to remember how good I feel now that the weight is coming off, both physically and emotionally.

Prudy , Syd and Mason came to see me at work yesterday and we went to Skyline for lunch. I took Syd into the office to show her off to all the girls and they thought she was just precious. And she was quite the little princess too. She answered all of their questions and was very talkative. She is such a sweetie.

Just got back in from feeding the animals and digging Mom and Dad out of the snow. Its a little chilly, but is actually 33 degrees out. That is the warmest its been in weeks. We had been in the teens and even below zero. It will be nice when the creeks thaw and we dont have to worry so much about water.

Went through my Ron Perlman collection today and updated my database. I had a bunch of articles that I had printed out and needed to put in a binder. If Ronnie only knew what a dedicated fan I am. Hee Hee.

Well, I think I am going to warm up with some hot tea and a good book and then watch Hellboy.
I love it when I have the house all clean and all the chores done and we can just settle in and relax. So, until next time... See ya.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Snow Co-Co-Cold

Gee Lordy has it been nasty out there the last couple of weeks. We have had a major snowstorm and an ice storm and tomorrow it is supposed to snow all over again. Enough already!! I am completely worn out. My heart has been beating erratically again these last two weeks, and I hope it is just the stress from the weather. I am watching my caffeine intake and taking magnesium tablets. It seems to be helping some. But really, this snow and ice is getting to be ridiculous. The animals seem to be doing ok, so that is a blessing. I hate to think that they are uncomfortable. But they all have plenty of food and there is shelter if they want it. It is just that we have to really hustle to get everything done after working all day.

Got some pictures of the snow for Raka so she can see what its like here. The ice storm got all the trees covered in icicles and a bunch of them fell down from the weight. It really is beautiful if you can just sit back and watch the weather. I actually enjoyed being snowed in on Tuesday. Chip and I celebrated Valentine's Day early. ( We were snowed in and the electric was out, you do the math :) ) It actually was quite a nice day. I made a big pot of chili and we bummed. I even got to see my judge shows again! I have been missing them since starting work.

I got to go to work with Chip last week. We worked on electric wires, splicing them into a big power box. It was really quite fun. And my job is going really well. Yvonne took the day off today so I was on my own, and it went just fine. There was only one deal turned in and I did it completely all by myself, and it was an odd one too- with an extra payoff and stuff. So I was able to just relax and concentrate and I did it just fine. Kathy said I am doing good, and I know Yvonne wouldn't have taken the day off if she didn't think so. So that's good. And I will be working on my notary soon. That will be cool. The girls at work are so funny, they have me rolling nearly every day. This is so not like the bank!!

So other than the fact that I don't have the freedom I used to and that Chip is having to do most all of the feeding and farm chores, I really enjoy working again.

Ron Perlman: Picked up Hellboy- Sword of Storms yesterday and will probably watch it this weekend as we will be snowed in yet again. What an excellent way to spend a snowy afternoon! Hot chocolate and Hellboy! Couldn't get any better than that except if Ron himself were sitting next to us. Still waiting for Beauty and the Beast to come from Amazon. I pre-ordered, thinking that I would get it right away, but noooo. So I hope it comes soon. Every time the Disney commercials come on Chip and I yell "Go Ronnie!". Oh, and Pro Life should be out next month too. And The Magnificent Seven season 2 will be out right after my birthday in May. Good thing I am bringing home the bacon again. My clippings came too, and there are a bunch of neat ones that I didn't have. So my collection continues to grow.

Well, time to go and change the laundry. Hope to be able to get back to blogging regularly again. Until next time, peace, love and joy to all.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Cold Day, Warm Heart

It is incredibly cold out there today. The water freezes almost before it hits the bucket, and the manure is just big frozen clods like bricks. I gave up with the pitchfork and just started picking up poop balls and tossing them out the window. Hmmm... turd tossing. But everyone is able to get in the barn and we have nice warm beds for them. Ruthies calf looked really cold and he has scours, so we ran down to Tractor Supply to get him some medicine. I made him a really nice thick bed of hay and popped a pill down his throat, so hopefully he will be feeling better in the morning. Other than that, all seems well with everyone.

I'm on another nesting kick. I want to have the house spotless and to organize everything. I keep waiting for my package of Ron Perlman clippings, but I think the mail lady is playing games with me. I can't wait till the ground thaws so we can get our mailbox back up.

It looks like I Sell the Dead will start shooting sometime in May. God, Ron Perlman and Zombies. Gotta love it.

All of a sudden I am feeling nervous about work. Am I learning quickly enough? Do they think I am doing a good job? Hey, I am just about to start my third week. Give yourself a break Cin. I am a quick learner and I have a great work ethic. Chill out.

And on that note, I am tired and cold and full of pizza. Time to sign off and go rest. Night People.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Zowie, it seems like forever ago that I last got to post to this blog. That's what happens when you have to get a job and go to work. Not that I am complaining, mind you. I have been whining in this blog for months about how hard it has been to get a good job, and now I have one. Yippee! Ok, some of my "fans" have asked for details of the job. First let me say that, after I accepted this position, two more came up that I had been interested in. Boy, it's either feast or famine, I tell you. But so far I think I have made the right choice. It felt good from the first interview, and I just had the feeling that I was gonna get the job.

Ok, so I am a bookkeeper and title clerk at an auto dealership. I am bonded and will get to become a notary, as soon as I take the test. Very important stuff here, people :) There is tons of paperwork! Every car deal has like 100 documents to go through and sort and then you have to cost the deal, do all the financials, and set up all the title work. That is just the deals. You also have to track the gross sales, service contracts, insurance, etc., etc. . I have not yet learned half of my duties. And to top that off, it has evidently been the month from hell there. If it could go wrong it did. Of course, I get to just sit back and watch them clean up the problems, since I don't know how to yet. All in all it's a lot of detail work and you have to be extremely accurate. Exactly what I love! Its all numbers and paperwork and that is what I thrive on. And so far it seems like I am getting along with everyone I work with. These girls like to have a good time and have really great senses of humor. I have been told already by a couple of people that I really fit in there, and I can't tell you how good that makes me feel. After "the place who shall not be named", that is a wonderful relief. So poo poo to you all at "the place". Yesterday, Karen and Yvonne and I were rolling. We were talking about body functions ( you know what I am talking about) and were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe and had tears streaming. Oh, what a relief to be with likable people and to be liked by them.

So, life is a little hectic, but I am falling into a workable routine. I miss being able to do all my chores in the morning and come home and clean the house and watch the court shows and then go down to the farm and take care of the animals. But it is so nice to be bringing home a paycheck and having something to do each day. Remember how lonely and bored I was a few months ago?

I was not able to get the book Raka recommended, Five Point Someone. Rather, the library ordered it in for me and I didn't get in to pick it up within the 7 day period, so they sent it back. I was too ashamed to reorder it again right away. I'll wait a couple of weeks and then do it. Right now I am really too busy to read anyway but when I get more settled into my job and routine, I will again. Chip has been so supportive of my working. (well, of course) He starts dinner for me before I get home, and helps me get the chores done like laundry and garbage and stuff. All those things I used to get done by myself cause I was home all day.

Last Friday was the anniversary of Brandy's passing. Of course something strange happened. First, Friday we were all talking about our favorite dogs at work and I was telling them about her. Then Saturday, Chip and I drove down to get some horse feed and on the way back there were three old Goldens sitting in the yard of a neighbors house. Chip looked over at me and said "yeah, I miss her too". When we got to the farm, another old Golden male came walking in the driveway, big as you please! He followed us around and we kept petting him. He kept whining and pawing at me and I asked what he wanted and he kept nosing my hand and putting his head under it for me to pet him, just like Brandy used to. I reminded Chip that it had been exactly a year. I had this really neat thought but didn't say anything, and then Chip said that he thought it was Brandy who sent the dog to us to give us the message that she was ok and was still there and not to forget her. Exactly what I was thinking. You know how I feel about "signs". So I said a few words (between me and Brandy and the old dog) and a few minutes later, the old dog left. Think what you want.

Ron Perlman: I won a bunch of clippings of Ron from ebay and can't wait to get them. I was hoping to get them today but didn't. Sword of Storms is coming out on dvd so I will have to get a copy. And I am waiting for Masters of Horror ProLife to come out too. Since I have been working I haven't had a whole lot of time to keep up with Ron's comings and goings, but as always I am a faithful fan. I have been able to tape the Disney World commercials and every time one comes on we yell "go Ronnie". Chip has taken to having an imaginary girlfriend called "Ronnette". I wish Ron would google himself and see this blog. Wouldn't that be a scream?

Haven't been able to keep a daily email going with Raka lately. Some because of her being busy and some because of me. I really miss that, but will be happy with whatever we can come up with. It is so nice to talk with her. I feel like she is the little sister I never had. I am so flattered when she asks my advice, and she is always caring and loving.

Am trying to do a little writing but the new job kind of got in the way. I have some ideas but don't want to get started until things calm down a little. Once I know my job comfortably and get very proficient, then I can get involved in my writing again. Oh, by the way, the animal rescue shelter place called me about the job. They were actually offering a little more money than I am making at the dealership, but are a lot farther away and I told the lady that although I was very interested in the job, I had accepted another position and was happy there.

So, I have Rambled quite a bit and if anyone actually reads this, I have probably bored you out of your mind. Take care of yourselves and each other. Spread love. Be kind.