Ringer, you ignorant slut!
Yesterday my new little friends came over to ride. Shawna presented me with a cute bouquet of tissue paper flowers in a vase and a hand made card to thank me for letting them ride the horses. <> Hanna was there too, and before we went out we watched Hellboy. I showed Hannah all of my Ron Perlman stuff and she thought I was nuts. She loves Elijah Wood, so she does all the same stuff ( collecting) , but she says I have her beat.
We went to catch the horses and Shadow wanted no part of it. He seems to have some hangup about being touched since his incident last week. So I grabbed Ringer and hoisted Shawna up on her. ( we don't use a saddle.) Ringer was just awful! She kept tossing her head and trying to rear. I was holding her so I wasn't afraid that Shawna would get hurt, but it was really pissing me off. Shawna got off and I got on Ringer to show her I mean business. She would not budge. Not even a step. I turned her head in toward my leg to get her to come off balance and take a step, and she just exploded. She started to spin and rear and buck and I thought that I was done for. At one point I was halfway off and resigned myself to the fact that I was going to hit the ground, and the kids were mortified. But I am a pretty good rider (ahem) and I got her to stop and calm down. I made her walk over to the kids quietly and decided to end on that good note. They were astounded that I managed to stay on and must have been pretty scared for me because the rest of the day Shawna was worried about me getting hurt. My little friends.
Then we brushed the horses and I decided to get on Rusty. I didn't have his bridle, so I just used a halter and leadline and we just walked around the pasture for a few minutes. He was an ANGEL!! Its been a long time since we had a good time together and I don't want to forget it. He really enjoyed the attention.
And that is really all that happened yesterday. Tomorrow... off to look for a job.
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