Here's Hoping...
The County Board of MRDD called me for an interview yesterday. I called back and left a message and am still waiting to hear from them and make an appointment for the interview.Wow! That would be so great. I could actually be working for an organization that really helps people!! Now, if anyone actually reads this blog, you know I am searching for a job and for my life purpose. This would be like having my cake and eating it too. But I stand on my beliefs that if it is meant to be, then so it shall. I am open to the possibilities and pray that the right ones come my way. So here's hoping... ( a few prayers wouldn't hurt either).
I have been thinking about my old friend Ron Waite. Haven't had contact with him in about 20 years, but he has been in my heart. I found that he has written a few articles for some horror mags in the past few years, but other than that have no idea where he is. If you're out there, old friend, I wish you Love, health, happiness and success in all you do.
My other "friend" Ron - watched Desperation and listened to the commentary. Of course when Ron left so did I. Also the magazines I ordered came today. A couple of old Starlogs, # 55 with Quest For Fire, and #82 with Ice Pirates. Also Starburst Summer Special 1989 with Beauty and the Beast episode guide. My collection continues to grow.
It would be fantastic if I could meet Ron and get his autograph. Someday.... Or if I wrote him and he actually wrote back, now that would be a treasure. Gee, I sure don't want much do I?
And, as I have probably said before, I have a great, fulfilling life. Not much that I want or need. I can truly say that I am content for the most part. The things that I am seeking are all things of the soul - friends, purpose, love, fulfillment, happiness. Not bad. Don't have cable or satellite, cell phone, big screen or high def tv, or high speed internet. I do have a rockin' pickup truck, a pretty blue tractor, a brand new baler, and all the Ron Perlman stuff I can get my hands on.
So if anyone is out there, please think good thoughts about me getting this job ( if it IS the right one) and to you all I say, Blessings!!
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