Yesterday I was cooking breakfast and watching out the kitchen window into the backyard where Chip and Annie were playing. Chip was tossing the frisbee and Annie was chasing it. Then she would bring it back to him and he told her to sit and she sat down and dropped the frisbee at his feet. Genius!! How wonderfully smart my little girl is. I just watched and smiled, they were having such a ggod time. Then later that evening, we all went out and played. It was a nice day.
We also had a calf Friday. It was brand new so Chip didnt check it out too closely. We will try to get a look at it today. Today is the first day of fall and it is still in the 90's out there. Phew!We have to go to Dave's and pick up our corn shalks, and we are going to clean out the grain bin and get the barn ready to start feeding again. Lots of work to do and it's gonna be hot!!
I feel like a new person. After being sick for almost a month with allergies and sinus problems, I am finally on the mend. And if fall comes soon, the cold will kill all the pollen in the air and we will be able to breathe better. Still stuffy and gasping for breath, but not near as bad as a few weeks ago. Maybe now I will have more energy and be able to exercise more and lose some weight again. At least emotionally I feel better. Not that I was exactly in bad shape, just stressed with all the negativity going on around me. It is time to improve myself. Diet, exercise, increasing my knowledge and skills and working on my spirit. That's what its all about.
Not much more to say right now. I have a lot of chores to do. I guess I will have to give up the idea of a spotless house and a breathtaking garden, though. The puppy makes sure that I am constantly challenged, always picking up and cleaning. But I would not change that for the world. The love of a good dog is more important than a Good Housekeeping award.
Be good to one another and yourselves.
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Wish you a speedy recovery. SInus is lil' sister suffered from it and I know how it used to irritate her.
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