Friday, August 24, 2007

Life With Annie

Well, folks, it's been nearly 3 weeks and Annie has firmly planted herself into our hearts. I never doubted our choice once we had picked her up and taken her home, and I also never knew that I would fall in love so hard and fast. "You'll be reserved", I told myself. "No one will ever replace Brandy in your heart." So true. Yet I have discovered that there is a whole new place in my heart where Annie belongs. The other night , Annie and I walked to Brandy's garden and we had a chat. This is right, this is good. I feel whole and complete. We have come full circle. Fields of gold my old friend, love forever.
Annie is as smart as a whip and she knows it too. She is now barking to be let outside, and at night she wakes us like clockwork at the same time to relieve herself. ( I am getting used to lack of sleep) Now if she would just learn to settle down and snuggle in bed with us, and not try to eat us up. She is also having a ball following Whitey around and pouncing on Kiki. And she prances around like she just knows she is hot stuff. I still look at her and feel that thrill in my heart at the realization that she truly is here with us. Our puppy.
We got our high speed internet installed last night and I can't believe the difference! Night and day. The above picture downloaded in less than a minute, rather than the usual 30 minutes it used to take. Yeeeeee!! Now I just have to get the email part switched over and tidy things up and we are in good shape.
It is still very hot here. Record heat, no rain. Desert. But the cows seem to be doing ok. People are losing patience with one another due to the weather, tempers flare. Just stay out of my way, people and I'll stay out of yours :)
Work was hard this week. Lots of deals and lots of problems, but I got all caught up for the weekend. Also, sadly, Jon quit this week. Something happened, we are not sure what, but he walked into Kathy's office, handed in his dealer tags and started to cry. He was so choked up he didn't even say goodbye to us. Breaks your heart because he is one of the good guys. Jon, I wish you well in your travels, and know that you will find your purpose and be fulfilled. Travel safely, my friend, God speed.
Plus, things have been a little strained lately there. Frustrations galore. Some people do nothing, while others must take up the slack along with their own full plates. Karen and I have not been as close as we had in the past. We have to be careful what we say, and not spend as much time together as we had been. I remember when we started getting really close and how wonderful it felt to have such a friend. My heart was lifted and I felt like I really belonged. Now we are being watched by jealous eyes and must be discreet. It is as if we are having some torrid affair or something. For God's sake, we are just friends who have a lot in common and get along well, but other peoples feelings are causing us to back away, in order to spare ourselves the drama. I am sad and hurt because I would like us to be like we used to before all of that, like sisters, frick and frack, the Bobbsey twins. We have not gone to lunch, or shopping, and Karen has not been out to visit for a long time now. I miss my Karen Lee Lee. I hope things change so we can do lunch together again like we used to and not have to worry about what so-and-so will have to say about it. Boy, "she" really does get mad when we talk to each other. Its kind of funny in a way.
I got a haircut yesterday and it is quite drastic. I told the girl to cut it a little shorter and easy to care for so she chopped pretty much all of it off, but I kind of like it and it is cool and easy. When I got back to work, the guys in parts were really complimenting me and that felt really good. Men usually don't even notice when you get a haircut, much less comment on it, so I was quite flattered. And when I got home I felt more energetic and refreshed than I had in a long while. As a matter of fact, I had a message on our new answering machine that I had been hoping to receive for months. All I can say right now is "keep your fingers crossed". Plus I cleaned the house last night and it felt relly clean and I felt really relaxed and excited. Ahhh!
Private for Karen: PAPAYA!!!!!
And now I am going out for a walk. I am feeling a little lonely since no one is emailing me lately. Hmmm. Does no one like me anymore?? I hope I still have some friends out there.
Love to you all


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