An Interesting Topic?
Sounds like my last post got some people to thinking about the possibility of soul mates. I choose to believe in such a thing, as that would explain to me why some people come together through all kinds of circumstances and connect. Now, you dont have to look at this topic as a religious one. I think anyone who reads this blog can understand that I have very strong, albeit open-minded beliefs. You can think of it as fate, or nature or anything you want. But it is comforting to me to believe that people come together to help one another and teach each other and that maybe those events were pre-determined by the universe. Or maybe not. And maybe its just that you happen to run into a person that you just really hit it off with and nothing else- no metaphysical mysteries. But whatever way it is, I find joy in believing that there are some who re-connect in this lifetime with souls they have known in the past. And who really knows? That is the wonder of having your own set of beliefs and opinions.
Why do we choose the paths that we do? What causes us to be passionate about certain things? Why are some called to be doctors, teachers, writers? Why are some people "bad"? What called to people like Mother Theresa and Ghandi? Who inspires the great masters to paint, and compose and invent and create? Einstein baffles us and awes us with his incredible intelligence, yet he couldn't tie his own shoes. Hmmmmm.....
Tina called and said she and the kids couldn't come out today and I have to admit that I am overjoyed because now Chip and I will have the day to ourselves and I am looking forward to getting some chores done and having some together time. Maybe we can find a good movie on tv. When the weather is good and warm and breezy, things just feel so much ceeaner and fresher. I don't feel as compelled to be in the house cleaning and scrubbing. Yesterday when Prudy and Mike and the kids were here, they dragged in all kinds of mud and grass. I will have to vacuum and mop all over again. But we all had a really good time and that's what is important. My obsessive compulsive self is being replaced slowly but surely with a laid back grandma. This is the time for adventures and fun and enjoying our lives. And on that note, I took the mustang out on the road yesterday and only stalled it out once at a stopsign. There was a car behind us and I started to panic cause I stalled, and I told Chip "I can't do this, I can't do this" and then he said "yes you can- you have been doing it" and I put it back into gear and took off and all was well. I CAN do this!! :)
Gonna go and see if Raka is online- almost time for our chat and then I have to go get gas for the lawnmowers. Enjoy your day!!
overjoyed eh?naughty lady..what tricks do you have in mind having the day to your self???? :D lol!
chip beware your wife is having naughty thoughts........:D lemme know what happened
I don't know if I really believe in "soul mates." Probably because I haven't met mine yet=P
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