Just Stuff
Isn't this something? I have actually been able to blog three days in a row. Not that anything of much interest has happened since the last update, but here I am anyway :) Got to see the new baby for the first time and he is really nice. A big bull calf with a funky blaze in his face. Its more like a star with writing on it, really wierd. Kind of like Brodies "W". I miss Brodie. I wonder what he is up to now. It is really neat when an animal becomes a friend. You know, I was talking to Raka about dreams yesterday, and some of them I have given up on, but so many have come true for me. I am living the life that I have always wanted, on a farm with nature all around me. Sure its hard at times. Lots of physical work, dirt, heat drought, snow, ice, flooding, mud, poop...but it is an honor to be granted guardian of this little patch of earth and the creatures we share it with. The foxes have moved back in under the henhouse (yes, really) and should soon be having their kits. I need to cover the well with some chicken wire so they don't fall in there. Last year three of them fell in and drowned. So sad. So this year I will try to keep them safe. It is so much fun to watch the babies frolic around the barnyard, just like puppies.
I am going out later to walk the fence. Deer must have run through it and knocked it down so I'll have to get it back up before the cows start going out and grazing. Hopefully the grass will be growing soon.
Need to get Brandy's garden going soon as it gets warm enough. I have to find some really pretty pink flowers and bushes for her.
I don't want to think too much about all of the things that I would like to do this Spring, because I don't really have a lot of time to create lush gardens and a paradise around the house. I will just take things one small project at a time and keep up that way. My routine is to keep up on the stuff that is already here ( housekeeping, plants etc) and slowly add new projects a little at a time. Chip commented that I have become a "house girl" recently and I have to agree. I need to come home from work and go outside and walk each evening when it gets warm enough, instead of sitting down and reading or watching tv. Working takes up so much of the day, but if I keep up with my chores, I can add a little "me time" to the mix and enjoy my gardening and other projects. Small steps. Last year I didn't feel like gardening, but this year I am getting the bug to get started and have already planted a few zinnias and forget me nots in some pots on the patio. It is still too early for veggies and stuff, but I already have the seeds so maybe I can use my heated seed starter and get a few going for early planting. Can't wait to get some fresh homegrown tomatoes and peppers. And we have plenty of manure for fertilizer.
Have been diligently studying for my Notary test. That is another thing I will acomplish here soon. If I look inside my life, I may not have become some famous author or actor or politician or businesswoman, but I have experienced a lot of things that make me special in my own right. And I can become a writer, maybe not published, but the things I write in my notebook and blog belong to me, and I can fantasize and act out dreams with my grandgirl Sydney, thats being an actress. So there.
So my goals are to keep up with my chores and allow myself some time every day to relax and commune with nature and exercise. I'll let you know how that works out.
i am sure you will keep up to your goals...
and best of luck for gardening...
sorry i was late for your chat today :(
hope to see you around next week!
till then take care
lots of love,Raka
thanks, you!
can't wait to get started gardening, I have something special in mind .....
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