Friday, January 19, 2007

A New Job!!

Well, finally I got a job today! It sounds like a lot of fun (and work) and I am excited. Now I won't feel so guilty when I spend money on Ron Perlman stuff. I have high hopes for this one. After the last one, I deserve a break. Oh, but I wasn't gonna talk about that anymore, was I?

The snow is coming and we are getting the barn ready for the horses so they can have shelter. Now if they can just behave themselves inside and not tear the barn down. Chip is getting a lot done on the barn, and I am keeping it pretty clean forkfull by forkfull. I estimate that I pitch a minimum of 1 ton of poop a day. I should be super buff by now. See, I get my exercise, don't have to pay a gym, and get the barns clean all in one. Now that's multitasking.

Ruthie is about ready to have her baby and we think it may be twins. She is as big as a house, literally 4 feet from side to side. She has to wedge herself through the doorway. I guess thats where the term "fat cow" came from.

Nothing else to really talk about. I will probably have lots to say Monday after my first day on the new job. I really hope this all works out well. Keep your fingers crossed.

I have read a few interesting books lately and Raka suggested another one the other day, Five Point Someone. I ordered it and the library called today to say it is in.

I feel very calm and peaceful. I will miss the freedom that I had to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, to watch Ellen and all the judge shows. But I was really lonely and bored most of the time and this way I will be making money. And I can do all my errands on my lunch hour, so I shouldn't get too stressed out or behind. And I can use my lunch to write sometimes too. Just please God let this be a really good job and let me do well and really like it.

I am really tired and the talking heads shows are done so I think I will go sit on the couch with Chip and watch some tv. Oh! Ron Perlman is doing the Disneyland commercials! I have to try and tape them, even though its just his voice. Cool.

Peace to all


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Dipayan (DeepDiveR) said...

Hey! Whats the new job? And i am curious did u actually read "Five Point Someone"? Well??Howdya like it?

At 6:14 PM, Blogger  Cin said...

Hi deepdver!Finally got to update this blog! Didn't get to read the book, but I will soon. Well, do you think I will like my new job?


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