Ron Stuff
Today I won a Beauty and the Beast newspaper off E-Bay. It is French and looks really cool. I can't wait to get it and have a look and try to translate it. Have actually picked up a little French along the way, so that is an accomplishment.
Went shopping today at Northgate. It is hard to believe that only two weeks til Christmas and there really is not that much traffic out there. Of course it was a Friday morning, but still. I remember when I worked at Service Merchandise that you couldn't even get in or out of the parking lot, or down Colerain Avenue by this time of the year. What a mess it was. I guess that internet shopping has really decreased consumerism at retail stores. No wonder so many are going out of business. I still prefer to look at and touch an item that I am considering. But must admit, shopping online is sooo easy. You really just have to know exactly what you want. It's funny, but on one hand it doesn't seem like the Holidays because it isn't all trafficky and wild, and on the other, it is much nicer and calmer. I used to dislike the Holidays when I worked at Service because it was so crazy and stressful. I still have dreams on occasion of being in cash office and not being able to get the deposit done. But that is a chapter of my life long closed and put behind me. I was well liked and respected there, and really accomplished a lot. I grew a lot at that job, and consequently, after I left. The freedom of being unemployed for the first time in my life was so uplifting and I feel that I really found myself on that little sabbatical. I became a much kinder, gentler person, less stressed and frantic. I am so grateful for that time. It is also when I became more independent and strong. Remember, I banded the calves all by myself, and we got my tractor so I could help out with the hay. I spent so much time with the animals and really got to be one with nature. All of these things helped me to be who I am now.
Am listening to Copelands Billy the Kid right now. Copeland is fantastic. You can just sit back and listen and envision the dances and rodeos going on right along with the music. I believe that Copeland is the genius of modern classical music. And with Leonard Bernstein conducting it is as religious a musical experience as mortal man can have.
The calves will be going bye bye on Tuesday and I want to get some pictures of Brodie before he goes. He really became special to me and I know that I will miss him. Any body that shows me affection is special to me. I am enjoying taming the little ones ( well, not so little-they weigh over 700 pounds, most of them) and they follow me all over the paddock. There are some real personalities out there. Like the horned steer, who is the leader. And the little buff steer who follows him everywhere, doesn't make a move without him. And the really curious funny faced heifer, who tries to sneak up on me and poke me with her nose, then runs off bucking happily.
Ron Perlman is probably back to filming Outlander now. I have this fantasy that he will come driving down my road looking for a place to film a movie and think the farm is perfect and come and get me and think I am perfect to star in his movie with him. Hee Hee. I'm just still so full of myself from dealing with the "big dogs" this week and knowing that we have really great, quality calves.
Ah, Appalachian Spring is playing now. I have plans for a movie of the farm with that piece as the soundtrack. My script is complete. Just need the equipment and we could do it. If you have never listened to Aaron Copeland's Appalachian Spring, I strongly encourage you to do so. Sit back and just let it sink into you. You will "see" the sunrise, the thunderstorm, the beautiful rolling hills and pastures.
Until next time, my friends
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