Ron Perlman Stuff
Have a few new Ron Perlman items coming. A couple of old magazine articles, and the dvd of Tracey Takes On... the second season. Really looking forward to seeing that. Ron is in an episode, which is why I bought the dvd, but I love Tracey Ullman. Yes, a few more things to add to my ever growing collection. Ron should be so proud.
I also love Gidget, the Sally Field one. I remember the summer I graduated, I would watch Gidget every day at 10:00. That show made me feel so happy and carefree. Probably because I was carefree. One of the happy memories from my childhood. That was the summer that I broke Rusty, and I spent most of my time riding him ( translate: trying to stay on him). Ah, yes, my crazy, crazy horse. More than 20 years later, still crazy. Been together a long time, old friend.
Now it is time to go back to work. I want to find a job that is fun and satisfying, and has good benefits and pay. Not asking for too much am I ?? Will my new job be tied into my life purpose? That would be nice, but I know that you don't have to have your job and your life purpose be the same. I like to help people and animals. I am an empath. That is something that can be used no matter what I do for a living.
Yesterday I was feeling nostalgic and went through a box of old photos and papers and found a school paper I wrote a bazillion years ago. In it I stated that I had always wanted to act. I almost cried when I read it. No doubt, a lifelong dream that I never pursued. It keeps coming up, and I keep saying that it is a dream that I recently put away as impossible. It hurt too much to keep longing for something that I know I cannot have. But there, again, was proof that it has been a part of my dreams for almost forever. Well, if you keep forcing yourself on me I guess I will have to at least keep an open mind about your possibilities.
Now that I am getting ready to look for a job, the old nightmare of "the bank" is trying to creep into my mind. I cannot let that bad experience jade me. All places are not like that, and I can't let that fear hold me back. I must overcome this blockage, and forge ahead to my next life adventure. Every thing we experience is a life lesson. I need to learn from this one. Learn about myself as well as other people. I am just trying to gain wisdom. Wayne Dyer said " When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Now this is appropriate - My Name is Earl just came on. I am going to go watch it. Blessings and happiness to all.
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