Things I Found When I Wasn't Looking
Probably the most important one... Chip's wallet. Buried somewhere in the hayfield for 10 years, it fell out of his pocket while plowing one day. He always teased me that he would marry me if I ever found it. A little history - I am always finding things, and at the time he was terrified of marriage, and probably never thought I would find it. Well, FOUND IT!! Wasn't looking, just walking the field one day years later, something said to look down, and I did and there it was, just a little corner sticking out of the ground. Chip kept his word :)
Lots of neat old bottles, perfume, medicine etc.
A nickle, after Chip cleared a wooded area. Very old. Told you I was lucky at finding things.
A couple of really large deer antlers.
Arrow heads, old bones and teeth, keys, coin from 1800 foreign country ( how did it get here?)
Ron Perlman
Lots of other stuff. I am always finding money. But those above are the neatest of them.
Talked to the video store guy today. I really have to get his name. We discussed our favorite Ron Perlman movies. I told him I'd let him borrow Primal Force. They are hiring and I asked about the position, but it is for nights and I really don't want to do that. We had a pretty good conversation. He's a nice guy. He thinks Ron's greatest movie so far is City of Lost Children. I agree. And Desperation comes out next week. He said he watched it already and it was pretty good on DVD. It is so nice to talk to someone else who admires Ron's work.
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