A Lucky Day
Today is Friday the 13th, typically considered a day of bad luck, however, I have always had reasonably good luck on the day. Today was no exception. First, work went very well. I got all caught up and loose ends all tied up. Very satisfying to start the weekend with a clean slate.
Decided to forgo blogging and take a walk this evening instead. You see, the weather is beautiful and I feel free since I got so much done today. There is nothing dismal hanging over my head and I decided to celebrate the wonderful feeling. Walked a little, picked some blackberries, chased a few rabbits, looked for the cows. Clara, the oldest cow was missing and I was a little afraid of what I might find, but I found her, and her new baby! Clara doesn't have a lot of milk, so we are going to feed her some special stuff and give the baby a bottle tomorrow. Gotta treat the old lady well. Then when I walked back down to the creek, I found the skeleton of a young buck. Must have died in the creek. Sad, but quite interesting.
You know how early on in my blog I was skeptical of friends because I had been betrayed and hurt recently? Well, I am really opening my heart and trusting again. We have my long distance friendship with Raka, who always comes through for me, and brightens my day whenever she contacts me. She is young and beautiful and adventurous and fun, and smart and I love hearing about her life. And we have Karen, who is so much like me. We have been teasing the last couple of days that we will be together as little old ladies and I will be her eyes and she will be my ears ( she can't see so well and I can't hear so well) and we will toddle along together with our really old dogs by our sides. Well, it has never felt so right to me, to have such a friend. It is like we are soul mates and have finally hooked up after 40 years. I have not dared to care about someone, to give my heart to someone , in such a long time for fear of betrayal, yet I am compelled to do so with Karen. I am not talking about it in a romantic way, of course, but in a deep loving friend kind of way. It is hard to take a chance and care about someone again, but I have faith in her and hope that she feels the same. That is what is so hard about letting your guard down with someone, is they have the power to hurt you, and you have to trust that they won't. Sometimes it is important enough to give it a try.
After all, I am being adventurous. It was really neat picking through the deer remains and piecing together the skeleton. I put the skull and jawbones on the windowsill of the barn to show Chip tomorrow. And maybe I will go for a quick ride on Shadow or Rusty tomorrow. But first I really should wash the Mustang. And mow the lawn.
Chips new tractor came home last night. It sure is purty! Tomorrow he is gonna drive it some. So that is his birthday present this year. I took a couple of pictures of it so maybe I will post one on the blog tomorrow.
Its getting pretty late and I need to get a shower. I want Karen and Raka and all my blogger friends to know how much you all mean to me, and peace and love to you all!
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