The Key, The Buzzards, and The Hidden Treasure

Hi everybody, I'm baaackkk. This weekend and week have been tremendously busy and this is the first chance I have gotten to sit down and blog.
Saturday was very exciting. John came over and Claire came along. He towed out the small trailer, and we brought along the big trailer and we went to Sunman to pick up the farm equipment and the hay. It was a stunningly beautiful day and we got so much done!! Claire was put in charge of lunch and she decided on Dairy Queen, which she had never had before. We took our first trip, loaded the cutter and a load of hay ( we got 10 bales on the load !!) and came back home. Then we got lunch, Claire and I went to pick up burgers, but we decided to do the ice cream later. After our pic-i-nic we were off again. This time, the guys were doing all the work and Claire and I decided to go exploring. We went up to the old house and waded our way through the weeds ( and poison ivy) and found a way in. The windows were all broken out but we made plans to come back and fix the place up and make a clubhouse out of it. A white furry rug and purple paint anybody?? Cool!! Clair was looking at the stuff on the floor and found a key, a very old one that was all rusted and we started to imagine what the key opened. Then we went over to the big barn and I said it smelled like something dead in there. We opened the door and a white fuzzy thing went scuttling by. At first I thought it was a possum, but when we got inside we saw that it was huge baby buzzards! And I mean huge. Big as turkeys. They were making this wierd hissing
sound but they were terrified and huddled in the corner, so we took some pictures and then left and got John to come see. So here's what we think..... The key opens a hidden treasure chest, and it is probably being protected by the buzzards. Or the next clue in where to find the treasure ( a map perhaps) , is what they are protecting, and we have to find a way to distract them and find the clues and the map and the hidden treasure. Oh boy! What will be in the chest when we find it?? What do you think??

Anyway, it was great fun. And after John and Claire went home, Chip and I made another trip. So it was quite late by the time we got back and we were exhausted. Then Sunday we did the same thing, bringing home the rest of the hay and Bella. Yay, Bella is back home. That is the mose gruelling part of the whole trip, taking her on the trailer. She is quite large and the phone lines seem quite low when you are going under them :) It really is so nice to have everything back home again. So that was the weekend and it was busy!
Then Monday was month end and you would have been so proud of me! 21 deals came in that day, and more after that. But I did not freak. I just took one at a time and got them done. Then I did the inventories and the other month end stuff. Then Wednesday was the 4th of July so we had the day off and got the grass cut and the yard looking great. So Yesterday I got to finish June stuff and today I started on July. I got pretty much done, but I have to go to jury duty next week so I am not sure how much work I will get done then. But no sweat. I am only human and can only do what I can do. I worked 14 hour days all week, and that is pretty dedicated if you ask me. So I think I am learning to chill out and not drive myself to the point of insanity. This is a really good thing and I need to remember it, because I have been calmer and more centered this week than since I started working there. The whole point is to enjoy myself, not drive myself crazy. Remember this.
Also, Karen had a bad week this week. It seemed like everyone was picking on her, and there was nothing I could do about it. Kathy yelled at her for nothing, Jemar blamed her for doing something wrong that was really his fault, she WAS doing it right, and he was wrong. Pete went off a couple of times about a deal that had nothing to do with her, it was my deal and the guys had taken it back and forgotten about it amidst month end stuff. But they kept yelling that she had lost some paperwork and no one would listen to us telling them that it was that deal they had taken. So I felt real bad for her this week, cause she sure works harder than anybody there and doesn't deserve that. She needs to be treated with respect and kindness and appreciation. But I don't think anyone shows appreciation anymore. Well I appreciate you, Karen. And so does Harry. Harry is such a great person. He bought us lunch today and wouldn't let us pay him back. I know he gets pleasure from taking care of people, but he needs to know how much people love and appreciate him, too.Well, we will think of something.
So I have been rambling again. Its getting late and I think I will go out and see what Chip is up to. Everyone have a great weekend, and take care of each other.
hey long time...about time for you to blog again!
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