Friday, August 03, 2007

Exciting Week

This week has been full of everything and nothing. Sunday Karen came over and we got Shadow and saddled him up for her and she got on him and they just took off like she has been riding all her life. Great job, Karen and Shadow. Now I have someone to ride with.

I wonder if Karen minds that I mention her so often in my blog? I guess she would say so if she did. Hope you don't mind, friend, cause you are a big part of my life. After riding, we walked down to the farm to get Chip and go back for lunch. We grilled some burgers and sat around and talked (read: complained ) haa haa. Karen gave me a beautiful horse charm that I put on my rearview mirror for good luck. She and Zoey also got a present for Annie already. Hope you come back out soon, Karen Leelee.

Pat is going to copy some of the Ron Perlman movies that I have been looking for forever and just can't find. I am so excited about that!! My goal is to own all of Ron's movies and as many magazine articles and collectibles that I can. Of course the biggest goal is to meet him. Sigh!
Pat, you are wonderful to do this for me and it means so much. And Nancy is going to copy Rons episode of Picture Windows for us so I can send that to Pat for her collection, too. Its a lot of fun sharing! Golly, Ron, you sure have some great fans out there. I so wish he would come to a convention close so I could get to meet him.

Work was amazing this week. It was month end and everything went so well that I had no stress whatsoever! Woo Hoo! As the months go by, I get faster and more confident, and things seem to get easier. When you think about it, I have learned quite a bit in the last few months and picked up a few new skills ( and a really great friend ). Even Pete has been acknowledging me lately, engaging me in conversation and whatnot. I think he appreciates the fact that I admitted to him this week that I had made a mistake of sorts, so he wouldn't blame Dan for it. There was a deal that I put to the side and held off processing because I couldn't get an incentive to go through and was giving it a couple of days to reset in the system. So it looked like Dan had turned it in late, and he would have been in trouble, but I told Pete that it was entirely my fault and explained to him why it was late. Maybe he knows that I am a good worker and just want to do the best job for him, and is beginning to trust me and my abilities now. And I was able to get caught up on all my month end stuff and all, so I am taking Monday off!!

The family reunion is Sunday and Chip is going to take Monday off and wants me to join him, so that is what I am going to do. Its going to be a real scorcher this weekend and probably will not be very comfortable at the campground, so we will be able to use Monday to rest from the weekend activities.

Really getting excited about Annie. I couldn't hardly sleep last weekend thinking about her, but have calmed down a little since. Two more weeks. There is a peaceful feeling about the whole thing, so I know it is right. Bran, I know we have your blessing. If Annie is half the dog you were, we are very lucky indeed. My Golden Girl.

Have you noticed how hard it is to not use the word "I"? It sounds so self-absorbed to continually use I "this" or I "that" but it is hard to express yourself in any other way. And since this is a personal account of my life, it has to be about me :) Haven't had much time at all to do any deep thinking or real soul searching. Tonight I am so tired that I am just blogging, then taking a cool shower and then probably bed. The house can wait till tomorrow to get cleaned.

Karen and I are going on a diet starting Tuesday. Harry brought us all Graeters ice cream this week and we are getting fat. ( well, I am anyway. Karen is a beanploe) Just going to have to really watch our eating and start working out and be committed to it.

So, hope everyone has a great weekend. Love one another and be kind.

Love Cindy


At 9:07 AM, Blogger Phoenix said...

have a great weekend ahead
take care

At 5:59 AM, Blogger  Cin said...

The only thing that would make it better is if you were here.
Then it would be perfect!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Phoenix said...

aww cindy!

its really sad we cant talk anymore i miss you...even ur comments come very arely...miss you loads


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