Friday, August 10, 2007

Life is Good

This has been a week to remember. Nothing really incredible happened, just a bunch of little warm fuzzy things that make you feel content and happy. Annie has settled in quite well and I truly believe that she is a puppy genius. It is so amazing to see her little tail wagging 100 miles a minute when she sees us, or when we praise her for going potty outside. And she is still trying to figure Kiki out. Kiki, who doesn't move much, must look like a mountain with fur to Annie and she is intrigued with this black giant. But Kiki doesn't particularly want to bond with Annie and she barks at her and lunges at her a bit, but of course, she has no teeth, so we can truly say her bark is worse than her bite. And Annie just keeps trying to befriend her. She has now taken to barking back with her little yip yip yip voice, and it is just precious to see her racing up to Kiki and nipping at her then jumping back. And she is sleeping through the night for the most part, so thats good. But I still have to get her up at about 2:00 to go out and then again at 5:30. Then its back to bed with us for a snuggle session before we have to get up for work. And you know what? She is totally beautiful, and not afraid of anything. She explores the house with fierce bravery, and my books all say that this is very good.

We had a talk with Brandy at her garden the other night. I feel so much at peace with this new little bundle of love we have been blessed with, and know that we have Bran's blessing as well.It just feels so good, so right. Did fate point us in the right direction? My answer, unequivocally YES!

Work has been neither hard nor stressful lately. Let's hope that it continues this way. Perhaps I am coming into my own now. Even after taking Monday off, I had no stress catching up and getting everything done. This is something to remember. There have been some interesting incidents at work, but none that really have the power to bother me. Compared to the bank, this place is a piece of cake. And I work hard and do my job, so no one should have any complaints.

I am worried about a friend of mine, two friends really. They have both been depressed lately and have definitely got something on their minds. One I have told not to worry, there is plenty of time to find a solution. I realize that I really care for this person and feel committed to helping in any way that I can. This person needs to start being a little more "selfish" and start taking care of their own needs and not worry so much about taking care of other people. I need to realize though that my advice may not be welcome, and I should wait to be invited to offer it.

Do you ever wonder why some people are drawn to you and others repelled? If I am the same person with the same personality, then what makes the difference? Why do some people go out of their way to be nice, and others just don't care? I bet a lot of you have those same questions.

I wonder how many people read this blog? Do people just pull it up randomly and like what they read? How can I improve it? What would they like to know and read about?

Ron Perlman: The Last Winter is set to come out in September. Hopefully it will come to a theatre near us. Can't wait to see. Ronnie on the big screen would be a great thing. Nothing new to report in the way of collectibles. I was able to get a copy of Picture Windows, so that is now added to my list. Wonder how he is doing, now that they are filming HB2. I hope well and happy. God, the man is a great actor.

All of a sudden I am desperately tired and I know I have been blah, blahing on. I think I will go get a nice shower and settle in with a magazine. There are all these words in my heart that I would like to blog about, but they never come out on the screen like I had intended. Well, someday maybe I will strike the right notes and create a work of art.

Love and Peace to you all!


At 12:20 AM, Blogger Phoenix said...

if you consider yourself a friend...then go ahead and give the advice you want to give...maybe it will do the friend good...and if he/she is not welcoming back you can always hold back and just be there...dont hold back...sometimes when we say we wanna be left alone..all we want is someone who will fuss around with us....think about it... :P

At 5:04 PM, Blogger  Cin said...

Hmmm. Great advice there, Raka. I believe that you are right... :)


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