Today was a good day for the most part. I sold the calves and made what I consider to be a great deal. The buyer was a guy who buys and sells all over the country and I am so pleased that he told me that our calves are really nice, good calves. He even told me that a buyer wanted only the best, nice, black heifers, and he would have taken mine for that group. Wow! After all our hard work, it is so flattering to know that we really have something special.
A real nice heifer!
I kind of like doing the deals and feeling like a real farmer. If I could do it for a living (full time) I would. ---- Remember that Cin, when you get all frustrated with them and the weather and all the other farmy hardships.
Shadow kind of has me a little worried. He has been going off by himself a lot lately, and he is laying down flat out a lot. Maybe he is just napping in the sun, but it is odd behavior for him. It may just be time. I had a talk with him about what a great friend he has been and about how he has brought so much happiness to so many people. Green Pastures await him at the end of his journey. But he is welcome to stay for as long as he wants- it is all on his terms.
I submitted an essay to a local paper a few days ago. Haven't heard back. Maybe I should write some more.
So all-in-all it was an exciting day for me. I feel very accomplished.
There is going to be a meteor shower on the 13th. I will try to observe. Love those things! One of my fondest memories is when my Dad and I went out to watch a meteor shower one summer night. It is one of the only things we ever did together. We are much closer now that we are both older and wiser. He admits that he needs my help, and I don't mind one bit obliging. One of my dreams is to be an advocate for the elderly. If I just got off my butt and researched into ways I could do that, maybe I could make some kind of difference.
Getting really tired so I think I will go. Oh! I didn't mention Ron Perlman in this post. Pat is sending me a dvd of some of his interviews! I am so excited! I have to get her copy of PRO LIFE mailed out to her.
Until next time,
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