Stop the World...
What a week this was! The water line to the house broke. The truck broke down. The tractor bucket hydraulics broke. And then the icing on the cake ladies and gentlemen... the TV blew up!
Yikes. We just got back with the repaired truck and a new tv. Now we have to figure out how to hook the thing up.
Some good things that happened this week... Our free DVD player came. I thought " maybe I should try to play that VCD of 'Boys on the Run' that won't play on our regular DVD player, or the computer, but NAH, why would it work?" Well, it DID work!! So I got to see another Ron Perlman movie and didn't even have to buy a new DVD player!
Brodie is growing. I taught him how to drink water out of a tub yesterday. He is still on the bottle and will be for a while, but its good that he is doing more on his own. I suppose that I am his mother, and that is really nice. These kinds of things are what you look back on and really appreciate. He is a really pretty guy. Here is a picture of him on our back porch...

Brodie the calf one day old
Life may have taken a giant crap on me lately, but I can get back up and brush myself off and keep going. Remember, I am seeking enlightenment. I WILL find my purpose.
Things I would like to do:
Work with the elderly
Write short stories
Teach kids about finances
Act - which I have recently decided is not really possible
Meet Ron Perlman - still possible
Go to a beach
Ride a mechanical bull
Learn to dance
Learn dressage
My purpose may be hiding within any of these, or may be a whole new adventure entirely. Who knows?? I am just along for the ride.
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